
RS3 is released now

The new interface that very confusing and ruin the gaming experience. There is no way to change the interface to the old one, and since it will make some people quit. So I submitted a ticket a few hours ago Runescape accounts for sale... when do people normally reply? Because I can't get into my game and I want to get on a team! BRO,plz make us easier to earn money,like 10m to 20m/h my target its a hween mask.

look...i know im not that high of a level on runescape being only lvl 126 but, it has taken me years to finally get enough money to sell rs accounts get full dragon gear....i had all of that last night, and when this new update comes out i lose EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I go to my bank and everything that had a decent value...even my basic rune armour i had for ftp is now gone!!! ive been a runescape member now for 7 years ive gave you all PLENTY of my money to play this game (via with membership) i changed my password and bank pin but thats not gonna get my stuff back no is it? i need.

nice to see you guys have released rs3, the real question is am i going to get a response about my issue from over a week ago to buy runescape accounts? or is this expected.... lengthy responses? if thats the case i should take my business elsewere. their are a million companys out their that offer mmorpg.

