
passive skills recommended for barbarian in Diablo 3


This passive is surprisingly good and if you have gear that increases the health you get from health globes, it becomes even better. I sometimes pick it up if I know I will be facing a lot of mobs. The more adds are there to Diablo 3 items buy, the higher is the chance of you getting a health globe.

I was using this passive for some time instead of Relentless. I thought to myself: It is better to prevent  the situations in which I am below 20% HP, so this passive will help me achieve that right? Short answer cheap D3 gold: No. You will be on low health a lot of times anyway. Nevertheless, test both passives out and decide which one suits you best. If you are low on resists, have higher physical res (or maybe have string of ears?) then you might consider picking this up in order to migrate some magic damage taken.

You might want to pick this passive up if you decide to pick Earthquake and Wrath of the Berserker at the same time. You will be able to enter god mode more often. Remember, your Earthquake and WotB are long cooldown abilities so once Diablo 3 account they are on CD, you become kind of useless. This passive will help you deal with that.

If you see yourself sitting on maximum fury all the time and if you lack some damage - this passive is great. If you do not use any fury spender, it is great as well and works very nicely with Battle Rage shout (BR costs only 20 fury and you will use it every 30 seconds, so do not worry abour your uptime on this passive).


Squeal of Fortune is good or bad for rs players

Unfortunately, I am not rich in real life, so I wont be able to buy spins and obtain this item. I know people will say you can still get it without buying spins and you have a chance to get the bottled genie from daily spins. But in reality it is probably too rare to get without buying runescape account spins.

I miss the updates where everyone had equal chance to get items in game, rather than this new way where you have to pay jagex money now.

Are you serious Jagex? Just remove the Squeal of Fortune already you're just ruining the game even further. Can you see now why the game is declining? Listen to the player's for once ffs.

The trust-trade scammers must be absolutely drooling over this: 'I'll trade you the piece you need for a piece you don't if you give me lots of money sell rs accountsfirst'."Please note: you can only trade lamp parts for other lamp parts, in equal quantities, and directly player to player."

lol this means I can't make loads of gp off it? Who finally grew a brain over there? I've been buying spins for ages.. taking advantage of buying runescape gold what you put on it.. making loads of gp. You people are literally selling it. I guess you see that now??

At least the bottled genies aren't tradeable (they AREN'T tradeable, are they Jagex?)


Effective Hit Points skills for diablo 3 gameplay

 It shows how much damage can you take before dying.
It's a combination of all your defensive stats, including resists, armor, hp and reductions.
Dodge, bock, reduced melee/ranged/elites (and single resists higher than rest) can be added to the equation, but should be looked at Diablo 3 buy account separetly because they are either situational or have a %chance which can lead to unlucky streaks over short periods of time.

To reach good amount of EHP, a combination of several defensive stats is required. Understanding which are better than others can make a difference.
For example comparing cold resistance to physical where to sell Diablo 3 account, the latter is going to come out far ahead, because most attacks are indeed physical. On the other hand, the most deadly are fire abilities.

Reduction from elites is a strong atribute, because elites tend to do most dmg (remember bosses are elites too), but reduced dmg from X in general is great, because it comes in form of % with high enough values.

You can use an EHP calculator to see the exact benefits of your defensive stats and abilities/passives.

However, HP is slightly devaluated by healing. EHP shows how much dmg you can take without recieving any form of a heal, so Vit and Life% should have slightly less values than shown in a calculator cheap d3 gold.

Consider the following extreme models which result in same EHP (without dodge), they also have same dps and healing.
    65k hp, 4k armor, 402 AR
    30k HP, 6.3k armor, 720 AR (with Impunity)

#1 will take larger hits, because the incomming dmg is reduced less than in case of #2. When taking dmg, HP in both cases will be decreased by the same amount in % over time, but not in HP values. So both examples can withstand the same amount of dmg, but when healing comes to play, the 2nd will survive better, because it's easier/faster to heal up low amount of hp. With increasing healing, Vit and Life% lose more value.


Diablo 3 1.09 could have some hope

Because the game is really fun. I have a paragon 100 barbarian, and I love playing around with different builds to see what I can accomplish.
Currently leveling a wizard to paragon 100, and it's really fun to see the experience bar move while killing loads of demons and see the beam from legendarys on the ground.

Also, I like the playstyle. It's fast and intense with very little downtime between monster packs due to the monster density in the latest patch.

There isn't the entire point of the game was to find shit by mfing however mf'ing is fucking shit even at lvl 100 aka me which I have been for months. It isn't fun finding a bunch of shit every run you do farming at mp 8 / 10 every god dam day when I use to play like literally my average typical runs were like this Diablo 3 item 
Yellow x 9999999999 vendored
Legendary- brimstonnedx9999

99% of the shit you find is worthless and that's a fact unless you do something called ''Self found mode'' or even a new hardcore char It's only a miracle you find something useful from once a blue moon to Diablo 3 account sell  be worth a shit especially how fucking awful the economy is right now.

1.09 could have some hope don't get me wrong but right now as for myself in my honest opinion move on to another game until then aka which is dota for me for about 24/7 even then I  buy d3 gold have no hope for it because quite frankly they have no clue what the fuck they've been doing.

Fun is a valid answer, sort of. Diablo 3 doesn't have a system where you can free roam though... You can only go through the same acts and quests over and over again. After a couple hundred times it would seem it would lose its flair. Not saying there aren't people who have fun with it. I just can't see how it is fun.


How many really young players are there playing Runescape

How many really young players are there playing Runescape? Seeing you have to be like, 13 to play the game according to the ToS. I can tell you most 13 year olds aren't easily swayed by beer ads; I was 13 once, there were pictures.

Fact is, the game isn't made for kids. Just because kids might play it, doesn't mean it's a kids game. Just because kids buy rs accounts watch sports matches doesn't mean isn't for kids. Yet no one will complain if there's a beer ad. Honestly, the wanton killing of species of all kinds should be a greater complaint than a beer ad that's no even marketed to children*

Just because kids might play it don't make it a kids cheap rs gold 
  game. Same with anything else.

ays that people deserve to be talked to with respect and that he's embarrassed to play this game because of people that don't respect others*
***;>Incredibly sardonic post ignoring an entire post and felt the need to edit in a rather childish scream to his post."

Want to be treated like an adult? Behave like one. I treat people with respect when they act like an adult and not like a 4 year old.

When you act in a manner that makes mommy embarrassed in front of everyone in the store, expect to get ******* (verbally).


Female demon hunter really looks like the main character

Female demon hunter really looks like the main character from the movie series Underworld. They both have same hair style and some dark feel around her. They also fight in the same way if the DH is equipped with two 1 handed cross bows.The demon looks so cool but something about being able to rapid fire crossbows always bugged me. I guess I like a pinch of realism when I go super syian d3 gold to pound the Satan in the face :)

The first and foremost impression of the female demon hunter in dialogs is a cold-hearted badass. Yet as the story progresses, we find that even more governing a characteristic than is her disgust towards demons and cowards, is her empathy and desire to protect those who are too weak to survive on their own.

The appearance of the character is truly polished, and — most important — she can blast her way through hordes of demons in a moment  cheap d3 gold, hardly suffering a scratch.

In my opinion, demon hunter is no doubt the best class — both when considering gameplay, and when viewed in scope of character development.


Xbox 360® and PS3™ Preorder Items

This is a spectacular way to frustrate and annoy long term fans and players of the game.  While nothing is game-breaking in terms of quality at all, things such as shoulders with move speed and included angelic wings are a slap to the face of existing players.  Yes, one must preorder, but preordering is not paying more for the game like the Collector's Edition.  Fantastic.

Would like a new way to get the angelic wings for the PC version without upgrading to the collector's edition diablo 3 account sale.
anyone notice Drake's amulet is really a ring? ;D

They reference in the description that it is an homage to Uncharted, in which Drake, the main character, wears a ring Diablo 3 item on a leather cord around his neck, turning a ring into a necklace or in this case, amulet.

Thank you! Cant wait til I get my hands on my pre-order now haha! 3 months ago when I pre-ordered my copy for PS3 was just the Infernal Helmet, now I get all this?! You guys rock my socks. You made this fan very happy! PC was fun but since I play HC, with all the problems and frustration I suffered, won't be picking up D3 again til console release cheap d3 gold. Thanks again TEAM D3 and BLIZZARD! If not for this console release, my Diablo days would be long gone! Well kinda, I still play D2 (>_<)

-A very anxious fan


Blizz make a ladder for diablo 3

Even if there was a ladder reset, why would I want to play this game? Just to get enough gold to buy upgrades from the AH? NO THANKS! Remove the AH and increase the drop rates for an actual upgrade to happen.. As long as there in an AH, what fun is it to never find an upgrade? That's the best part sell diablo 3 account While your waiting for Blizz to get around to maybe making a ladder for you, try playing hardcore.

Everytime someone in the break room next to the server room at Blizzard runs the microwave, a large number of hardcore players diablo 3 accounts for sale get a "reset".

Resets are also comon just after a new patch gets released, and surprisingly after microsoft updates.

Well thats my only issue with hardcore... Iv only had 2 hardcore characters both made it to 60 both died while I wasnt playing diablo3 item(i didnt leave them standing got disconnected) I like never had this issue in D2 but its really frustrating and pretty demoralizing way to lose a hc char


Blizzard pay attention to players' feedback

In fact, mobile game development is a process of continuous development, sometimes (often) means the idea will be to fight back program, and try again in the future. Therefore, we prefer to feel that they have a reliable answer, and then get players to share the details about a certain topic.

Maybe we can create a community manager on "in the office talking about" what it was like in the end a detailed overview (including examples). Through a story to tell Diablo 3 items Describe the middle of the process, whether technical, budgetary, art, copywriting, translation, testing, anti-workers, all of this. Through this real-life examples, you can help your users understand the changes in the end is how it happened. Sometimes the best way is to let everyone know "how sausage is made out of."

Development process by opening the window, you can greatly reduce the forum "What are they doing?" Or "How hard can it?" Such a meaningless post. Let us look at the developer's hard, let's look at how some of the ideas are ultimately rejected because of stringent scrutiny, of course, let us also look at those success stories buy d3 items.

Do not offer players "It's hard," such an interpretation, or the context of the development process type description please say more detail some of it. We do not want to know your secret formulas or trade secrets, just want to learn traditional development management process.


The Rapture of Runescape

(Q) I guess it is almost time to reveal some things of my new RuneScape movie called "The Rapture". It's a short movie featuring angels and demons fighting in a war between Heaven and Hell.
I wrote a short-story as well, you can find it somewhere on my Devianart page.

But what do you guys think? Should it be more dark, or is the light good enough?

(A) Thanks for the image DenJento, it looking great and we can't wait to see movie you've been working on.

rs money

Front cover is looking awsome, I wouldn't change the lighting on it but maybe you could balance the right lower side of the image with a little more fire to show the conflict between the two sides. Be careful you don't lose the demon though buy runescape gold.

The logo has plenty of space to breath and although the sun is pretty bright it doesn't get lost within the image. The angel in the lower left corner has a great magical glow going on on his wings, see if you can pick up cheap runescape gold some of the high lights of the character using this light so he's not lost in lens flare.

Great artwork though, Keep it up.


Runescape 3 Mod Mark

Where did Mod Mark or Mod MMG ever state that Runescape, in light of the Sixth Age and Runescape 3, will never have horses and only ever unicorns ?

Yes, there are no ''horses'' (at the moment), but if you think about it, what is the real difference between a horse and a unicorn in this game? A unicorn has a horn, therefore, it is essentially a horse with a horn buy runescape gold.

Also, your reasoning is rather flawed: ''player'' does not play RS and paid an artist only because the artwork contained horses, which are not runescape gold cheap in the game.  buy runescape money That is very inconclusive and you are really stretching your associations.

 how come they used uncle sams slogan, that is a real world political references! I ges that makes it ok to use the real world references. but im not entering this contest so i rly dont care!. But if you have problems with real world references then your a fake and dont diverse any friends. or it means you support the war against truth and freedom! which would make you a terrorist! and here in america we kill terrorists! dont stand up against america! or we will make death showers in your nation!.