
FFXIV dungeons, trials, PVP, traveling

Amy - you'll progress fine with the main storyline. It'll unlock most of the essentials like dungeons, trials, PVP, traveling to other regions, challenges, etc. Since you're new, I wouldn't recommend speed lvling. Go at your pace and feel familiar with your class.Otherwise the higher level content will feel impossible without building up the skill.Why are people telling Amy who is clearly new at the game, what to do and how to play? Just stop. Don't even mention POTD. Let them play their own way and discover. Don't forget that POTD was originally made for people and endgame with nothing else to do. Take your time and enjoy the story. It is amazing. yep that is what I am going to do,i am a explorer type of player.End game is nice but I much rather focus on the journey to get there.

Otherwise, stay far away from it. Yes, Buy FFXIV Gil it can make you a killing but you're going to have to put more time into that than anything else. You wont have nearly as much time for the "fun" stuff. Brown Town You my friend know the pain we crafters feel at the end of the day. lol.

One of the greatest aspects of playing MMOs is the ability to play at your own pace, to do exactly what you want to do in the way that you want to do it. Allow Amy the time to play the story! Palace of the Dead straight away? Jeez. No fun in that at all. oh and in raids or dungeons that explorer thing can be bad for the group as they lose track of me.And I come running back with company for the group. Unless you enjoy hours upon hours of crafting that, at the end of the day, is mostly dictated by RNG, then do crafting.

 nobody didnt notice that the person that said they made it 60 AST more then likely all ready had a level 50 or above and got the XP modifier making it much faster as well on top of the fc buffs he had going.  FFXIV Gil As the warrior of light ill simply nod and agree with the scions. You know, Warrior of Lightz so special, fighting primals and all but we simply nod. Not protect our allies all cool and badass nope we stand and nod. Or shakes our heads but mostly nod. good, the silence was getting a bit worrying, March was almost over, and...god-forbid it released a week later on the 4th, because Persona was always going to with that fight.


World of Warcraft VS Aion

Wow that looks really good... Aion why do you keep being the most beautiful...? I think there will never be a more magical, unique fantasy and gorgeous game out there ever! same here OGs when the game was p2p miss those times.  Buy Blade and Soul Gold I'm a returning player, and prior to this update was really enjoying the fast track server and getting my new character up to level for endgame. Today I went to start my besh temple grind on my fresh 53, only to find out the npc in Iggy sends us outside of the instance and separates our group according to servers. I am curious as to if this was intended? As in removing besh and the other instances on the fast track, in Iggy.

There is its called World of Warcraft. Only thing about that game that needs serious tweeking is the characters looks and outfits that is the only thing in aion that is better. Chris East BDO is a Next Gen game with its own thing happening...great graphics and it has a good future... but its too new to be fair and compare with any title, also Aion looks incredible taking note how OLD it is... What I like about Aion its mix alien/fantasy/artistic/spiritual/sci-fi atmosphere. Also BDO reminds be a lot of Dragon Age: Inquisition or Skyrim or Witcher 3 so hasn't show me anything I can not experience in these games besides the online players interactions... now if they made an Aion 2 with similar graphics of BDO but retaining its own lore unique current style, that be something I get my gaming teeth into in a heartbeat!!!

Having issue with game, the event npc sheep show there is a event quest but it's not allowing me to access it, any ideas on how to sort it out? Wish I could find the willpower to play again. I miss vanilla Aion. You and me both brotha, I remember being at all the first fort captures and world boss firsts on siel server.  i can't remember which server I was on, not siel though, dang I miss the old days. I miss the good old Aion :( Been trying to play again but meeeh... It lost itself somewhere.  Man I suffered playing the Vanilla Aion... I was playing a chanter..

I sadly started playing it after it began to become ptw. I played for awhile, but eventually it started dying and went full ptw. Cheap Blade and Soul Gold Tried again about a month and a half ago and there was maybe 3 people talking in the mega channel. I found about 10 afkers at the main city selling or standing there. Idk. It was a really fun game before it went full ptw though. This really reminds me of MU Origin; the design, the way the trailer was organized, even the music. Anyway, it looks nice.  I will never understand why they change this beautiful game in a ugly pay to win game !! It's not pay to win lol. Only people who cry about that are the ones who aren't good. Set aside some time to better yourself skillwise.


FFXIV Dragon Palace Castle

We've posted a new Developers' Blog that reveals the lyrics from the Stormblood intro trailer! See if you can guess them before reading the 'answers'! I now understand why Doma fell: they had no tanks or healers. This made me laugh harder than it should've xD. don't worry come expansion they will come, and bring a lot of salt too.  tanks suck. Cheap FFXIV Gil they'll get upset by something and rage quit the duty anyway.  And yet you need them to complete any high lvl content without getting mauled. Roman Monterossa For me it's always the healers who ragequit first 0o. Guess them? I can't even guess the language even though I have a degree in linguistics and watch the trailer every day at least once since the reveal. Two questions: Will ninja players get hawk pets like Yugiri? And will we get to explore that underwater city?

 Well there is a Hawk minion already in the game just sucks to get. True. But this one seems a bit more active than a regular minion. It's even on the logo. And if I remember well the mount that comes with Stormblood's collector's edition is an underwater one, so i guess we will. Why would you even watch the trailer once a day? They said no more pet jobs, but I guess the hawk can act like the mch turret. Because it is freakin awesom, Curtis. That's why.

We will definitely go underwater. That city right there is another question. i'm a sucker for very fantasy areas like the Sylph Lands in 2.0 and Azy Lla in 4.0. A city that looks like it's from the Sengoku era protected by a sci-fi force field, underwater. You can't be more fantasy than this.  The underwater palace is probably based on the mythical Dragon Palace Castle, Buy FFXIV Gil or Ryugu from Japanese folklore. It's the undersea home of Ryujin, the dragon god of the sea. All the more reason to go there. Although we have our own version of sea dragon in Eorzea. It would be funny to bump into a Leviathan not summoned by the Sahagin. This hasn't been explored much in the game yet.

The turtle beast tribe that were introduced are said to build their cities underwater, and like doing trade with outsiders.I imagine that that is the home for the "friendly", non-primal-summoning faction. As a race that loves to trade, it makes sense that they would have a lot of wealth; enough to build a city that would look similar to that of other races. As for the hawk, I am 99% sure it is just a trailer thing. Might not even be in the story.