
FFXIV dungeons, trials, PVP, traveling

Amy - you'll progress fine with the main storyline. It'll unlock most of the essentials like dungeons, trials, PVP, traveling to other regions, challenges, etc. Since you're new, I wouldn't recommend speed lvling. Go at your pace and feel familiar with your class.Otherwise the higher level content will feel impossible without building up the skill.Why are people telling Amy who is clearly new at the game, what to do and how to play? Just stop. Don't even mention POTD. Let them play their own way and discover. Don't forget that POTD was originally made for people and endgame with nothing else to do. Take your time and enjoy the story. It is amazing. yep that is what I am going to do,i am a explorer type of player.End game is nice but I much rather focus on the journey to get there.

Otherwise, stay far away from it. Yes, Buy FFXIV Gil it can make you a killing but you're going to have to put more time into that than anything else. You wont have nearly as much time for the "fun" stuff. Brown Town You my friend know the pain we crafters feel at the end of the day. lol.

One of the greatest aspects of playing MMOs is the ability to play at your own pace, to do exactly what you want to do in the way that you want to do it. Allow Amy the time to play the story! Palace of the Dead straight away? Jeez. No fun in that at all. oh and in raids or dungeons that explorer thing can be bad for the group as they lose track of me.And I come running back with company for the group. Unless you enjoy hours upon hours of crafting that, at the end of the day, is mostly dictated by RNG, then do crafting.

 nobody didnt notice that the person that said they made it 60 AST more then likely all ready had a level 50 or above and got the XP modifier making it much faster as well on top of the fc buffs he had going.  FFXIV Gil As the warrior of light ill simply nod and agree with the scions. You know, Warrior of Lightz so special, fighting primals and all but we simply nod. Not protect our allies all cool and badass nope we stand and nod. Or shakes our heads but mostly nod. good, the silence was getting a bit worrying, March was almost over, and...god-forbid it released a week later on the 4th, because Persona was always going to with that fight.

