
Diablo 3 1.09 could have some hope

Because the game is really fun. I have a paragon 100 barbarian, and I love playing around with different builds to see what I can accomplish.
Currently leveling a wizard to paragon 100, and it's really fun to see the experience bar move while killing loads of demons and see the beam from legendarys on the ground.

Also, I like the playstyle. It's fast and intense with very little downtime between monster packs due to the monster density in the latest patch.

There isn't the entire point of the game was to find shit by mfing however mf'ing is fucking shit even at lvl 100 aka me which I have been for months. It isn't fun finding a bunch of shit every run you do farming at mp 8 / 10 every god dam day when I use to play like literally my average typical runs were like this Diablo 3 item 
Yellow x 9999999999 vendored
Legendary- brimstonnedx9999

99% of the shit you find is worthless and that's a fact unless you do something called ''Self found mode'' or even a new hardcore char It's only a miracle you find something useful from once a blue moon to Diablo 3 account sell  be worth a shit especially how fucking awful the economy is right now.

1.09 could have some hope don't get me wrong but right now as for myself in my honest opinion move on to another game until then aka which is dota for me for about 24/7 even then I  buy d3 gold have no hope for it because quite frankly they have no clue what the fuck they've been doing.

Fun is a valid answer, sort of. Diablo 3 doesn't have a system where you can free roam though... You can only go through the same acts and quests over and over again. After a couple hundred times it would seem it would lose its flair. Not saying there aren't people who have fun with it. I just can't see how it is fun.

