
Effective Hit Points skills for diablo 3 gameplay

 It shows how much damage can you take before dying.
It's a combination of all your defensive stats, including resists, armor, hp and reductions.
Dodge, bock, reduced melee/ranged/elites (and single resists higher than rest) can be added to the equation, but should be looked at Diablo 3 buy account separetly because they are either situational or have a %chance which can lead to unlucky streaks over short periods of time.

To reach good amount of EHP, a combination of several defensive stats is required. Understanding which are better than others can make a difference.
For example comparing cold resistance to physical where to sell Diablo 3 account, the latter is going to come out far ahead, because most attacks are indeed physical. On the other hand, the most deadly are fire abilities.

Reduction from elites is a strong atribute, because elites tend to do most dmg (remember bosses are elites too), but reduced dmg from X in general is great, because it comes in form of % with high enough values.

You can use an EHP calculator to see the exact benefits of your defensive stats and abilities/passives.

However, HP is slightly devaluated by healing. EHP shows how much dmg you can take without recieving any form of a heal, so Vit and Life% should have slightly less values than shown in a calculator cheap d3 gold.

Consider the following extreme models which result in same EHP (without dodge), they also have same dps and healing.
    65k hp, 4k armor, 402 AR
    30k HP, 6.3k armor, 720 AR (with Impunity)

#1 will take larger hits, because the incomming dmg is reduced less than in case of #2. When taking dmg, HP in both cases will be decreased by the same amount in % over time, but not in HP values. So both examples can withstand the same amount of dmg, but when healing comes to play, the 2nd will survive better, because it's easier/faster to heal up low amount of hp. With increasing healing, Vit and Life% lose more value.

