
I still had a good 60+ hours with Diablo III

why do we need to see info for all the players?

I still had a good 60+ hours with the game, so I'm not upset. And being angry about how the game could and should have been is pointless. It is what it is, go play something else!Jason Bender, apt name for a Diablo III account dev, still waiting for offline mode @ PC, if it can be done for console it can be done for PC.Honestly looks very poorly done. Why would you do  this? You could be investing resources into improving the fan base you already have but instead decide to expand on consoles (which hasn't done very well for you before). All I see this as is the team on Diablo 3 saying hey, let's milk this for all we got and ignore our fans, it's not like they mean anything to us. Screw you Activision. We don't give a crap about console, make a different page for that. Seriously, learn to respect your fans Diablo 3 accounts.

Holy. Moly. The haterade. I played a whole 15 minutes today. But it was just a grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Do want. Something. New.  this makes the pc version look superior in every way buy d3 gold ,dont waste your money you dirty console peasants xD. as a playstation gamer,i understand its another source of good income...but i would much rather blizzard make a new complete game with sony so they could make a sick multiplatform game.   all console user should thank PC users to beta test this game for a year, ofcoz we had to pay for this still unfinished product... Blizzard stopped making games long ago, not it is in money making business which is sad.

