
BTS thread

Just like I predicted in the BTS thread. You are announcing the release date of RS3. You haven't learned anything from your failure of launching the evolution of crap way too early so history is repeating itself buy runescape accounts.

I would have liked to tried the beta without having to download the awful google chrome web browser, but of course you're going to force everyone who wants to play runescape now to have one browser or nothing at all.explain, world events, does this mean all of the players have a say for an over-all outcome? or, is it the individual choices of the player that impacts individual game worlds?

Like I said in the BTS thread all you are doing is giving the kiddies who bought 6 months and year membership a giant middle finger by delivering nothing but fixes to the evolution of crap and a few minor filler updates with   runescape accounts sell a rushed quest. The only intelligent decision you have made since you released the evolution of crap is open up 07. Hopefully if you are ever desperate enough to offer 6 months and year membership again people will be smart enough to not get it based on your track record. You've so far scammed players who were dumb enough to buy 3 and 6 month membership. Will you continue to scam players who bought a year membership then when their membership runs out run the promo again? Or will you get off your asses and make decent content again like BEFORE the Squeel of Misfortune and Solomon's Garbage Store came out?

