
No more bbq flame with copper grill mat

I was thrilled to get YRYM HT copper grill mat. I grilled one burger on the mat and another off the mat. I did the test several times. The burger on the mat was indirectly over the flame. Food tastes great! I prepared chicken tikka masala on it using the left over chicken marination, it came out great. It has decent size and cover the grill nicely. Awesome stove cover great at keeping the stove clean and the big size allows you to custom cut to your size stove. So easy to keep the oven clean now.

I have had YRYM HT copper grill mat  in the past, and they worked great. When we moved and bought a new house I could not find the one we had at our old place, so we have been without... and what a mistake! The smoke alarms have gone off numerous times from the repeated pizzas cheese and topping drippings. They burn on the bottom of the oven and then smoke every time we use it. It is time consuming to scrub the oven; and let's be honest, no one wants to do it. So I ordered another set of YRYM HT copper grill mat and already am wondering why I didn't sooner. So far I'm happy with the product. I don't smell anything like other comments mentioned. This helps keep my oven clean! Love my grilling mats. I have even made bacon and eggs on them. I also have done stir frys using these mats.

I actually bought YRYM HT magic grill mat to protect a plastic tabletop from the heat of incense burners and dripping candle wax, used during candle rituals. They work perfectly. Candle wax can be a mess, but, once cooled, it just peels right off. Perfectly serving my needs. Used these in our oven to help w/ spills. My biggest surprised is that they're really easy to clean. Just normal dish washing w/ a sponge. They have an almost non-stick like property. I used two in our oven and the 3rd is in our toaster oven. They worked so well that I got some for our stove too. Makes oven spills a breeze to clean up! Love that they came with more than one so never without a liner while one is being cleaned. No more bbq back flame, faster cooking time, and very easy cleanup. These Copper Grill Mats are the ticket!

We use YRYM HT copper grill mat on our portable camping bbq as well as our home bbq. Good for anything you want to grill, especially appreciate it when grilling veggies. I hate cooking. I hate grilling more. But theses mats made grilling easier and cleaner. I’m glad I tried them. I have been wanting these for a year. I finally bought them and let me tell you they are worth it. My oven has never been so clean. They are easy to clean and heat resistant. love this product very much,it helps to reduce the cleaning process. Reusable and easy to clean.It worth for the price. Planned to order few more.

