
Manderville Gold Saucer

We'll be streaming live in 30 minutes on Twitch! Tune in to DUTY COMMENCED as we tour the Manderville Gold Saucer!

Am I the only person that doesnt like twitch? Downloaded it from the play app on my tablet and I have to say youtube is a lot more user friendly, for example I would normally type into youtube 'FF14 ARR' and I normally get cheap FFXIV gil adverts, ga, gameplay trailers et. However on twitch I get a thousand videos of 'looser' ranting and raviing about how much they are dying.
End rant.

 I think mmos that charge should have a weekend option per month for 6 dollars per month. Play Friday to Sundays Where to buy ffxiv gil. Usually I only am able to play those times because I am so exhausted after work. Yeah I play some F2p games now but I would like to play ff14 or wow with a weekend pass.

 Is it possible to transfer from thorn to tonberry?
Yes think 18 bucks.

