
I am a new player of FFXIV

Wish I had reached my goal and had finished FFXIV so I could have done the new content when it came out.  Haven't done all the stuff yet, one of the things that stood out to me on this patch was that new WP theme song, just sounded so good.  I'm at work right now but already have a full set of ninja dungeon gear! Looks badass! The world of darkness is intense as well! Well done SE!

Anyone doing atma. Use this. It worked every hour for me. It isn't random it runs on a schedule.  Do I have to buy a expansion to be the new jobs like the ninja?  No it comes with the patch. You will not have to buy FFXIV Gil pay for any patch or expansion until heavensward. What about the new race au ru? When do we get those? And the machinist?

 I am new to this and I got a friend in diabolos but I can't join that server buy cheap FFXIV Gil. Needing a little help I guess.  You will have to use the world transfer service and pay the $19.99 fee to transfer your character to another server.

Or you could both make New characters on another server.  I just bought the game and never played so making a new character is fine it told me I could not join at this moment.

