
how to get a plot for my Free Company in FFXIV

The game needed real support role in the first place, the class/job system is too bland and doesn't offer much variety. Would have been much easier for them to add new classes too... In terms of new areas and classes, those will in all likelyhood be with the next expansion. The problem though is how best to implement a new ablility/leveling system. Sure they could add new abilities but most people's hotbars use 3+ bars FFXIV Gil (with the exception of BLM, I fit everything I need for that on 2 lol) it would be nice is they added new passive abilities to augment current abilities.

You should have done this forever ago. I quit playing partially because of how impossible it was to get a plot for my Free Company. That, and the content slump. It's a shame that what was initially my favorite MMO ended up being such a disappointment. So the complete lack of plot space given the population size of a server like gilgamesh and the immensely inflated prices of said plots if they did ever go on sale(they didn't) and the lack of content wasn't a problem? It was "too much" to expect more? Really? I heavily disagree.

 I agree - This is why me and my 4 mates recently stopped playing... We smashed all the end game content but struggled to even buy a house for our FC. dunno how you all struggled to get a house, me and my partner are on Odin, we have a personal house each, 1 small 1 medium ... Buy FFXIV Gil you just have to watch to see when houses come available, specially since they introduced land reclamation from players who didnt log.  Seems like you guys didn't try hard enough to get a house. People sell plots on PF all the time. I, a solo player, made 8.5 mil in 3 weeks and brought a small plot by myself. 5 mil for the player to relinquish, 2.5 mil to re buy the actual plot and 400k for the permit.

 I checked PF frequently and even made "looking to buy small plot" PFs all the time. I HATE when people say "oh that's just how MMOs are". You people are the worst.Guild Wars. The level cap was only 20 and the game was about the content, the story, and the collectibles. Armor existed in the game that took MONTHS if not years to get. It wasn't any better than regular level 20 armor but it looked much cooler and was worn as a status symbol. This is what MMOs should aspire to do, create a system that works for both the casual player and the hardcore player while drawing clear distinctions between the two. FFS Guild Wars is over a decade old and was the only MMO to do it right. It's not even supported anymore (servers are still up, though) and people still play it.

