
Soulstone prices have gone down

Soulstone prices have gone down, is that what u mean? Wish that were the case for moonwater transformation stones. To many of you guys that get high ping (like 150-200+), move to Taiwan server to see if it's better, lots of english-speaking players here. (Try some ping tools too). You mentioned end-game but same repetetive process Blade and Soul Gold . Idk what end game is anymore with all of these games.

 I am guessing you don't like PVP? I see this game like CoD, League, street fighter, or mortal kombat. People complain about these genres but continue to buy them...My point being is that we want to test our skills from someone of our same lvl. Just wait until more content comes out. smile emoticon.It's not like they are slowing down!

Toxic community with lots of smartass morons and goldbuying scumbags stealing everything from dungeons..B&S in nutshell. Derek Pardoe We are allowed to have our say whether you like it or not. I have a problem.there is a Practice Citrine i can not destroy it. it said Unable to trade,sell,destroy.so that gem stay in my inventory all the time.i remembered there was a quest taught us how to salvage the gem.and i delete the other one.so that's how does it happend .i suppose this is a Bug.  if you have a smart phone just go on their website and login to ur account and make a ticket. You will get a quicker response that way Blade and Soul Buy Gold i'm sure. Hope this helps .

You talk to a npc in jadestone or hoghead i think then open the letter. i might be wrong though since i did it last week and forget the starter quest. I havent finishied my main story, thats y the NPC didnt showed up. i tho i could save them for next cap (lv50) now working on it. 

