
Koji & Soken's Wild Ride PAX panel archive

Koji & Soken's Wild Ride PAX panel archive is live! Read over the Developers' Blog to watch and see how we celebrated at PAX!

Do not waste your time on this game 1 to 50 not so bad after that you will play the way they think the game should be played. also even if you get the collectors edition you still will be required to do ever stupid thing that everyone else has to so its a waste of money. All Natural Performance Enhancing & Hangover Cure.Use $5 off Coupon Code: Finalfantasy. We're headed to the Tokyo Game Show, and we've got some exciting things planned for all of you! A Letter from the Producer LIVE, Cactuar Lottery 3.0, and more  FFXIV gil  !

Bring lighting event back once more :C. No, don't bring it back. If you periodically keep returning it then the items and hairstyles are no longer special. It's called a "limited time" event for a reason. They aren't special to begin with cheap FFXIV gil , lol. Everyone and their mother has the stuff. You're not special for having it, you're a douchebag for denying others it. So should they start handing out legacy tattoos and chocobos too? Implying those are anywhere near as common as the Lightning fate items LOL.  It's a slippery slope. Why should new players be entitled to event items we were around for and they weren't? The same can be said for legacy players. Either make everything available for everyone or keep it how it is. There has to be a cut off somewhere.Either you played during the event or you didn't. That's how it is and how it should be. i would at least like the ability to transfer them to another character. My character with those items has been retired. My current character would like them .

Legacy tats and the chocobos are one thing. A hairstyle and outfit is anouther. That elitist attitude is what makes new players resent us. Chill out, dude. An item doesn't make you a special snowflake. Crawl out of your mother's basement once in a while and get some sun and fresh air.

