Dave Emin hi. Cleared everything up to a3s. All legs of coil pre-nerfs. Savage is whack. The game between 2 and 3 is insane. If you don't realize this, then you either have a hardcore static that is seasoned enough with eachother to not see how bad design affects the greater population, OR, your delusional cheap Blade & Soul Gold . Period.
Endgame post heavensward is garbage. Either way too easy or too hardcore. Complete with mechanics that don't work well with the current netcode.Edit: except for thordan. Thordan is perfect. im pretty satisfied with my glowy awoken weapon, the next step will probably just come naturally lol. Cleared savage so no, not too hard. Just not fun design. Sorry that you can't just generalize the opinion.Also jesus christ the amount of assumptions and projection in that rant.
Gotta agree with ppl. The jump from a2s to a3s is way too drastic.
And its not very fun doing a 13min fight just to wipe from 1 simple mistake 12min, 30sec in lol.
(2nd ball in p4 of a3s xD. Blade and Soul Gold )
ALTHOUGH id like to add that dodging that type of mechanic requires very little thought and coordination. Just play eu server ? BnS is heavily ping dependent mind you. We don't simply ask " hey can you open server for SEA/Oceanic pls ? that's why I didn't ask normally and suggested it in behalf of other SEA players. normally it's not going to be easy. especially when you don't have help from the game owners to endors their game and make it more known. The petition already has 6k+ supporters that should be enough for a server right? dont you guys think so?? Either OCEANIA or SEA or Both.
I have been cracking the whip recently with members in my static messing up to mechanics that are stupidly easy. Like the one mentioned above. It's bad design because A2s is just a waves of enemies and A3s dps check is far too severe and it's harder than A4s. A4s is only harder if you don't cheese at all and it becomes nearly impossible to beat. Only a few groups do not try to cheese.
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Wildstar was going to be the next big thing
Excuse this game is free or how mucho i need to pay for play the wonderfull videogame. really wanna play BnS... ive watched plenty videos from youtube.Blade and Soul Gold . and this game rocks! hmm.... I have a question.. im from the phillipines.. can i download this game on january 19? is it free? (sorry for my english) Yes. In fact, the full game should be available for download several days before the 19th. And you will be able to play completely for free. Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.
You will have only two options. This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Nathan Jarrad Conti wow yey! i can download... play.. and its free.. im happy to know that.. looking forward to january... kiki emoticon hmm ill test the latency first before signing in the petition.. but thanks nathan for that info.. Is this game still not out yet? Lol going to be out dated by the time we get it.. play for a month then something better will come out Blade and Soul Buy Gold . How long has this game been out for in the east? 4 years ? Lol
The Korean version was released on June 30th 2012.
It has been quite a delay for the game to get a westernised version.
This was due to NCSOFT having the bright idea that Wildstar was going to be the next big thing. NCSOFT titles have never been that big over in the west.
Another reason for the delay is they are scared. This is to make a risky move in this western market without a guarantee to exceed thier profit targets. People actually hyped for BnS, not wildstar during that time because there was progression but then NCSoft....being NCSoft lol...stopped bns and released wildstar instead.
You will have only two options. This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Nathan Jarrad Conti wow yey! i can download... play.. and its free.. im happy to know that.. looking forward to january... kiki emoticon hmm ill test the latency first before signing in the petition.. but thanks nathan for that info.. Is this game still not out yet? Lol going to be out dated by the time we get it.. play for a month then something better will come out Blade and Soul Buy Gold . How long has this game been out for in the east? 4 years ? Lol
The Korean version was released on June 30th 2012.
It has been quite a delay for the game to get a westernised version.
This was due to NCSOFT having the bright idea that Wildstar was going to be the next big thing. NCSOFT titles have never been that big over in the west.
Another reason for the delay is they are scared. This is to make a risky move in this western market without a guarantee to exceed thier profit targets. People actually hyped for BnS, not wildstar during that time because there was progression but then NCSoft....being NCSoft lol...stopped bns and released wildstar instead.
I have played BDO already
Brian Sharwood ok i understand but now im downloading the game from message from blade and soul. Quick question: will it run on win10? I don't really want to downgrade my OS, so I hope it will smile emoticon (and sorry if the question was already asked) Yes! I have Win10 and was in Alpha 2, and it ran perfectly!! Blade & Soul quick question: i already use up all my ncoin test in alpha test. if i buy more ncoin before cbt, can i get more ncoin test with the amount i buy when cbt open later? The quick answer is Yes. However, and I am not positive about this, and you may want to research first, but CBT probably needs to be running when you buy your NCoin, so that it can give you equal amount of Test Ncoin Blade and Soul Gold . i need accurate answer regarding this. some ppl i meet said their test ncoin less amount from what they have in site. i guess i should contact support directly. thanks for the reply anyway.
After CB will they do a wipe and have open beta or .. we just skip Open beta and we keep the CB chars? I highly doubt it, but is there a way to download the game or at least the main part because 20gb or whatever the size will take me a while and I want to make sure I can get my 2 names reserved whenever that becomes available since it forces you to log on if I read it correctly.
if u bought founders pack in time u recieved mail with link to alphas, and i guess u will also get a link for beta, which is obviously the same link. & Blade and Soul Buy Gold ;People playing in alpha and beta already got to reserve their names or is it like, once the real game hits everyone goes all out for names?
After CB will they do a wipe and have open beta or .. we just skip Open beta and we keep the CB chars? I highly doubt it, but is there a way to download the game or at least the main part because 20gb or whatever the size will take me a while and I want to make sure I can get my 2 names reserved whenever that becomes available since it forces you to log on if I read it correctly.
if u bought founders pack in time u recieved mail with link to alphas, and i guess u will also get a link for beta, which is obviously the same link. & Blade and Soul Buy Gold ;People playing in alpha and beta already got to reserve their names or is it like, once the real game hits everyone goes all out for names?
why i didnt get a free invite to this closed beta ... really i wanna play it i cant buy this founders because of my income cant bear now more consuming ,, if you really wanna give a free invites please search and give it to who cant buy founders and dont make it random becasue there is many humans have a bad luck. this game system is old plus crappy graphic. I have played BDO already. Honestly, I really don't like those sand box game... so it's getting boring after I played for a week. .The combat system of B&S is much better than BDO.I like how u said ur friend said it boring at the end. so if ur friend say it boring it must be boring?? dude how old are you??? do you still believe what other's think??? play the yourself before judging. i played bns before so i know how the game is. Blade & Soul and BDO are TWO different games, thats like comparing apples and oranges but hey good luck when you play BDO..More for us that play Blade and Soul smile .
NPC the Blade and Soul character can not move
First at the Open world PvP event .... I'm always early, Server issue, like some other mmos. Mostly when you got stuck on the intro that means their server needs a fix or something . I bough Initiate Pack but don't see any premium point... Do I have to receive them from somewhere? pls help I'm having troubles everytime I cross a portal my clients bugs and closes, is there anyway to fix it?.
Ps.- I already tried repairing files 3 times and still no change. i cant play on Eu server cause i stuck at intro,i changed to north america and it works why?
Dont get too hyped for this game guys, its very badly optimized for lots of player on the screen, making world pvp impossible as soon as there is 10+ chars on the screen. I requested a refund on my founders pack because of this. Might be your pc. I have had no issues in dungeons or around large groups of players. Its not, trust me. Lots of players have the same problems, and even the NCSoft support dude I talked with regarding the refund said that this was a problem, and they cant do anything with it. It may be the zone that is bugged, I dont know. But I got my refund so I'm happy, I just wanted you guys to be aware of the problem, so maby dont rush the founders just for beta access Blade & Soul Gold .
just to verify guys ... if the game only shows me the opening is because i need to wait until Dec 11 at 10 am pst right ? thx i got the code 2days ago so i though it was already open since i get a code every that you guy have a beta so fay i been in 1 2 and 3 now in 4 LOL ive already maxe 4 chathers and that oly took 18hrs of gameplay. Kevin Nguyen minh bi ket o loading screen gio minh phai lam gi ?
Can anyone pm me a beta key, I need it for my best friend who wants to try it, he missed the giveaway ... I am already in. Is it the game bugs or the servers are overloaded Blade and Soul Buy Gold but i have to reload the game 2nd time. I accept the quest but nothing changes, when you turn of the speach with NPC the character can not move. Getting lower FPS and higher Ping now then before. Not interested to deal with those problems this time. It's getting worse. Stucked at the opening screen and can't enter my key code on the site because the login page on NcSoft doesn't work!
Ps.- I already tried repairing files 3 times and still no change. i cant play on Eu server cause i stuck at intro,i changed to north america and it works why?
Dont get too hyped for this game guys, its very badly optimized for lots of player on the screen, making world pvp impossible as soon as there is 10+ chars on the screen. I requested a refund on my founders pack because of this. Might be your pc. I have had no issues in dungeons or around large groups of players. Its not, trust me. Lots of players have the same problems, and even the NCSoft support dude I talked with regarding the refund said that this was a problem, and they cant do anything with it. It may be the zone that is bugged, I dont know. But I got my refund so I'm happy, I just wanted you guys to be aware of the problem, so maby dont rush the founders just for beta access Blade & Soul Gold .
just to verify guys ... if the game only shows me the opening is because i need to wait until Dec 11 at 10 am pst right ? thx i got the code 2days ago so i though it was already open since i get a code every that you guy have a beta so fay i been in 1 2 and 3 now in 4 LOL ive already maxe 4 chathers and that oly took 18hrs of gameplay. Kevin Nguyen minh bi ket o loading screen gio minh phai lam gi ?
Can anyone pm me a beta key, I need it for my best friend who wants to try it, he missed the giveaway ... I am already in. Is it the game bugs or the servers are overloaded Blade and Soul Buy Gold but i have to reload the game 2nd time. I accept the quest but nothing changes, when you turn of the speach with NPC the character can not move. Getting lower FPS and higher Ping now then before. Not interested to deal with those problems this time. It's getting worse. Stucked at the opening screen and can't enter my key code on the site because the login page on NcSoft doesn't work!
WildStar and Blade & Soul prizes
Our friends at paysafecard are giving away WildStar and Blade & Soul prizes; including Signature time, Master Packs and paysafecard PINs. Sign up for a chance to win! guys try BLade and SOul Russian Server > they have english patch and you can play the game quit russian server..mainly 1. the skill activation has a slight delay. 2.Its seriously left behind and no freaking updates 3.its still in the beta version of the game cheap Blade & Soul Gold .
I tried RU server to wait to CBT2. RU sv is not good. Only cap 45, outdate version, no US players top up pages, no paypal, nothing. Dungeon is double hard, monster is crazy... Especially old character appearance making style and bad outfit. uys do u have account blademaster in Russian server, can u give it to me if u don't play on Russian server pleasee. Yes, the game is getting censored. I can see them going overboard with this. Even though at the start there was no censorship in their plan I still expected the Lyn to be censored big time. Turns out everyone else is gonna get censored as well. Smart move for a game that's 50% fanservice. In other news, let's see if Black Desert gets censored before we pick a game a to play.
Damn. I was very interested on founder packs but if they're going to censor it, i can't. are you kidding me? this is not censored...underwear is a exclusive for west. The game It is not censored lol. As far i know, underwear is not exclusive for west and it isn't something new in the game . underwear(top and shorts) taught in the page you set is exclusive to west...again, the game has no censorship at all. The game will not be censored period. For all who spread these rumors, pics or it didn't happen. Speculations.. but some people thrive on this I guess.. Blade and Soul Gold .. I NEED HELP PLZ....i have purchased a founders pack..to get access to beta i need to APPLY a FOUNDERS PACK KEY, i have gone through all emails and such to find this key, yet i donot have one??? any ideas plz??? i purchased the pack 2 days ago yet still no keys??? thank you
I tried RU server to wait to CBT2. RU sv is not good. Only cap 45, outdate version, no US players top up pages, no paypal, nothing. Dungeon is double hard, monster is crazy... Especially old character appearance making style and bad outfit. uys do u have account blademaster in Russian server, can u give it to me if u don't play on Russian server pleasee. Yes, the game is getting censored. I can see them going overboard with this. Even though at the start there was no censorship in their plan I still expected the Lyn to be censored big time. Turns out everyone else is gonna get censored as well. Smart move for a game that's 50% fanservice. In other news, let's see if Black Desert gets censored before we pick a game a to play.
Damn. I was very interested on founder packs but if they're going to censor it, i can't. are you kidding me? this is not censored...underwear is a exclusive for west. The game It is not censored lol. As far i know, underwear is not exclusive for west and it isn't something new in the game . underwear(top and shorts) taught in the page you set is exclusive to west...again, the game has no censorship at all. The game will not be censored period. For all who spread these rumors, pics or it didn't happen. Speculations.. but some people thrive on this I guess.. Blade and Soul Gold .. I NEED HELP PLZ....i have purchased a founders pack..to get access to beta i need to APPLY a FOUNDERS PACK KEY, i have gone through all emails and such to find this key, yet i donot have one??? any ideas plz??? i purchased the pack 2 days ago yet still no keys??? thank you
Beta Forums for Blade and Soul
You won't get any customer support here. I would say, just wait an hour and try again to make a new password on your official NCSoft account. Don't try it several times one after the other - wait at least an hour between each try (you don't want the website to think you're a bot Buy Blade and Soul Gold , cuz then it locks you out of everything...).

You may need to contact NCSoft support directly.... Hey all! I have the game installed and updated; but I can't post to the Beta Forums. want to report issue with game launcher , it is stuck at repair and cannot get throw it , it just says 85 bytes repair files and it dosenot download them/i pay for Founder's Pack but failed connect to server. WHY? And when i can log in, the server kick me out for many time. hi, i have redeemed my key but when i try to start game it sais failed to connect to server, any ideas? I have the key, but i cant install the game. Keep trying and re-downloading the installer, yet still received the error message. Please respond to my problem. I logged in and kept refreshing the page until it put me in the queue, got a key just now. Don't give up y'all. say me All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway! Really? It's all gone already? Wow that's quick
Actually, scratch that question - when will founder packs be available until? I want to order the most expensive one near Christmas (well, just after.. and how do I go about upgrading?) Yea founders pack is available until headstart from what I've seen. Still waiting for a key, its like 3 years im waiting to test B&S... B-but.. I don't want it to end. I love the game and I love sending in support tickets to let you guys know what bugs Blade and Soul Buy Gold there are.. Don't take it away! i cant connect this say that the connection with server failed/

You may need to contact NCSoft support directly.... Hey all! I have the game installed and updated; but I can't post to the Beta Forums. want to report issue with game launcher , it is stuck at repair and cannot get throw it , it just says 85 bytes repair files and it dosenot download them/i pay for Founder's Pack but failed connect to server. WHY? And when i can log in, the server kick me out for many time. hi, i have redeemed my key but when i try to start game it sais failed to connect to server, any ideas? I have the key, but i cant install the game. Keep trying and re-downloading the installer, yet still received the error message. Please respond to my problem. I logged in and kept refreshing the page until it put me in the queue, got a key just now. Don't give up y'all. say me All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway! Really? It's all gone already? Wow that's quick
Actually, scratch that question - when will founder packs be available until? I want to order the most expensive one near Christmas (well, just after.. and how do I go about upgrading?) Yea founders pack is available until headstart from what I've seen. Still waiting for a key, its like 3 years im waiting to test B&S... B-but.. I don't want it to end. I love the game and I love sending in support tickets to let you guys know what bugs Blade and Soul Buy Gold there are.. Don't take it away! i cant connect this say that the connection with server failed/
Blade and Soul Buy Gold Headstart begins
Yea, unless they make the launcher better I don't mind having to re download it all, but my download speed kept going and dropping over and over in the cbt. It wasn't my internet either as everything else worked fine. Yeah, mine as well, my download speed went from max to 0 all the time while my internet was normal. It would be good if they used a launcher like WildStar's. will u open silvermountain when open beta launches?or just stay in lv 45 max cap Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
Hello i saw one petition about make a SEA server in reddit forums that ncsoft told them if they get enought sings maybe they will make a server form them , i wanted to know if we can do the same here in South America make a petition form and get sings for get a server here in brazil like others game did. Sorry if this isnt the right place to ask this but i didnt know where else i can ask. Thanks for all. There is a few days left still to get an invite or beta key giveaway, keep your eyes open smile emoticon Next cbt starts on Tuesday. Admin, may i ask what time zone exactly did the NA server use..is it EST time zone -5 or PST time zone -8..as for me i need to sync it with my time zone soo i can tell Blade and Soul Gold what is the exact time to play with my friend smile emoticon thx in advance for the answer.
When does the Headstart begins?,it says 15th on the website announcement but 3-days earlier should be 16th?. What time will the head start happen on the 15th?? Well i play the russian version and waiting for the launch day to come. Kenny Le , Kris Chau you guys been waiting for this! Its finally coming haha. The wait is over bruhs . Could you plase share the full resolution of this image? School starts on 25th for me so i guess 6 day grind to 45. Should be able to do it in 3, but we'll see with the server crowd... Do we only get 1v1 arena at launch? or 3v3 aswell since in the post you guys only mention 1v1.... Name reservations are just for Disciple and Master's pack owners only frown emoticon basic founders dont have it. Sigh... Not like it didn't say that on the packs before purchasing them. Want a name reservation? Upgrade to Disciple.
Hello i saw one petition about make a SEA server in reddit forums that ncsoft told them if they get enought sings maybe they will make a server form them , i wanted to know if we can do the same here in South America make a petition form and get sings for get a server here in brazil like others game did. Sorry if this isnt the right place to ask this but i didnt know where else i can ask. Thanks for all. There is a few days left still to get an invite or beta key giveaway, keep your eyes open smile emoticon Next cbt starts on Tuesday. Admin, may i ask what time zone exactly did the NA server use..is it EST time zone -5 or PST time zone -8..as for me i need to sync it with my time zone soo i can tell Blade and Soul Gold what is the exact time to play with my friend smile emoticon thx in advance for the answer.
When does the Headstart begins?,it says 15th on the website announcement but 3-days earlier should be 16th?. What time will the head start happen on the 15th?? Well i play the russian version and waiting for the launch day to come. Kenny Le , Kris Chau you guys been waiting for this! Its finally coming haha. The wait is over bruhs . Could you plase share the full resolution of this image? School starts on 25th for me so i guess 6 day grind to 45. Should be able to do it in 3, but we'll see with the server crowd... Do we only get 1v1 arena at launch? or 3v3 aswell since in the post you guys only mention 1v1.... Name reservations are just for Disciple and Master's pack owners only frown emoticon basic founders dont have it. Sigh... Not like it didn't say that on the packs before purchasing them. Want a name reservation? Upgrade to Disciple.
Blade and Soul CBT3 Opens up
I am trying to buy a Premium Package but i got Error MSG ?! Any Explanation.i need help first when i started the game i got runtime error then i got blade and soul has stooped working now i cant even start it? Hey guys, and my masterpack ? Who I need to talk ? I got no message after the stream. Can anyone send me a private message with a key? :c So far so good i finally get to play before the official release. Just got the Founders Pack today. I'll be getting tomorrow after work. Can't wait.
Ive got high ping low fps, things got worse. Thanks ncwest. Times on the site and in the CBT info, but its just a few mins over an hour till CBT3 Opens up. Still waiting for the price of VIP 30 days...thats all i want to know...and yea , i want the price for Dragons Bags too...thats it. Those prices won't be set until close to Buy Blade and Soul Gold Launch time (in January) . Don't miss the Blade & Soul Arena Invitational event where invitees from both Europe and North America will take on Jaesung—one of the best Blade & Soul pro players in the world. rofl, you're going to need 10's of thousands of signatures for them to even consider CONSIDERING this. That's 6 months and counting petition compare to NA/EU petition around 9.5k for 1 year period. Plus ncsoft never stated the exact amount . We just do our best to sign and spread the petition. In addition, they didn't do anything yet. I think you need to find an OC/SEA provider and not at the NA provider (aka NCsoft is prioritizing America as they're stationed there).
SEA do have , Ncsoft Thailand but they more like to prioritize their country and still silent. Ncsoft NA probably want to negotiate with them, but now, after some sort of updates, they want to focus on NA/EU first. The question is, how we suppose to find publisher when NCsoft is in full control, BnS is like their IP.Servers are open? but I cant join the server? What's going on? When close beta server will be open?? November 10am or another time? Dzisiaj, ale nie wiem o ktorej godzinie na nasza strefe. Ja spodziewalabym sie okolo godz 18tej, chociaz moze byc wczesniej. 24-30 listopad, wiec bedzie czasu jak marasu smile emoticon. Niby tak ale ja już z 4 lata na to czekam grin emoticon I boje sie że coś mi nie będzie działać. Np. internet albo jakiś błąd w instalatorze.
Please make the game Asian fantasy style! I am tired of hack-slash Western game Warrior/Mage/Archer type dungeon crap! Please make the story pure Asian! The Game Already is Martial Arts Oriented so they won't be making anything XD the game is already out 3 years or so in korea check the vids. where are the giveaways for cbt3 :c we are dying waiting for them t.t . i got mine thanks! i hope you got yours too.
Ive got high ping low fps, things got worse. Thanks ncwest. Times on the site and in the CBT info, but its just a few mins over an hour till CBT3 Opens up. Still waiting for the price of VIP 30 days...thats all i want to know...and yea , i want the price for Dragons Bags too...thats it. Those prices won't be set until close to Buy Blade and Soul Gold Launch time (in January) . Don't miss the Blade & Soul Arena Invitational event where invitees from both Europe and North America will take on Jaesung—one of the best Blade & Soul pro players in the world. rofl, you're going to need 10's of thousands of signatures for them to even consider CONSIDERING this. That's 6 months and counting petition compare to NA/EU petition around 9.5k for 1 year period. Plus ncsoft never stated the exact amount . We just do our best to sign and spread the petition. In addition, they didn't do anything yet. I think you need to find an OC/SEA provider and not at the NA provider (aka NCsoft is prioritizing America as they're stationed there).
SEA do have , Ncsoft Thailand but they more like to prioritize their country and still silent. Ncsoft NA probably want to negotiate with them, but now, after some sort of updates, they want to focus on NA/EU first. The question is, how we suppose to find publisher when NCsoft is in full control, BnS is like their IP.Servers are open? but I cant join the server? What's going on? When close beta server will be open?? November 10am or another time? Dzisiaj, ale nie wiem o ktorej godzinie na nasza strefe. Ja spodziewalabym sie okolo godz 18tej, chociaz moze byc wczesniej. 24-30 listopad, wiec bedzie czasu jak marasu smile emoticon. Niby tak ale ja już z 4 lata na to czekam grin emoticon I boje sie że coś mi nie będzie działać. Np. internet albo jakiś błąd w instalatorze.
Please make the game Asian fantasy style! I am tired of hack-slash Western game Warrior/Mage/Archer type dungeon crap! Please make the story pure Asian! The Game Already is Martial Arts Oriented so they won't be making anything XD the game is already out 3 years or so in korea check the vids. where are the giveaways for cbt3 :c we are dying waiting for them t.t . i got mine thanks! i hope you got yours too.
moonlord dragon nest blade and Soul
Neomas Kanagawa I played with it on the last Beta, but it isn't exactly like what i'm looking for. I want something more like a moonlord(dragon nest) Looking for a magic blade user Blade and Soul Gold ? I'd wager blade dancers have some magic abilities. Like Erik said, maybe blade dancer might have some? Both classes are mostly the same, Look for "moonlord dragon nest" on youtube and you guys will get an idea of what i mean. Neomas Kanagawa Erik Gardner. IS the game going to be FREE TO PLAY ?????? Buy Blade and Soul Gold I want the game but Dad said only it's FREE TO PLAY. officially on the 19th of january, it becomes f2p. CBT3 starts tomorrow (first CB for me grin emoticon ) anyone from the experiance ppl here know what time the servers are usually available? Like directly 0:01 or around noon?
It is always 10:00 AM Pacific Time. Open the Server!!! idk why u guys close theserver after every week. This is off topic but i've been seeing some posts about the game being censored and some quests and storyline being changed during the process. Is this true? do i need another key to play the next beat or can i use same key. You need a new one for each Beta. Not really asian martial art style, just by that specific artist art style. By who ? By Hyung-Tae Kim , not just hire and design but as Lead Designer. It is a pity that this week I dont test server. I wanted to test the Force Master so badly.
Can some one hook me up with one of these beta keys? We will surely experience a bit delay here in PH when playing that game for sure, but it's not a big issue for PVE players smile emoticon. Already in South America time to stop relying on the US to be able to play quality MMORPGs, will be good for everyone if the NC Soft open a B&S server in South America. EU players, enter the paysafecard giveaway before it’s too late! You could win some awesome WildStar and Blade & Soul prizes including Signature time, Master Packs, and paysafecard PINS. Signup up ends November 22nd!
If i have a beta key from last week can i used it this week too ? If you bought a founder pack then you have access to all betas but if you won the key then it could only be used for the beta weekend you won it on. Teiji Ishida i ll just wait for 19-1-16 then :c please add new payment metodhe for buying founder pack, i dont have credit card and paypal colonthree emoticon. yeah lets make this our wallpaper and wait for 2 more years. Manufacturers eager for us to create an account and activate your account by Email. why create an account yet registered mobile phone number sms code papoose carrier k 30s saw post code.
It is always 10:00 AM Pacific Time. Open the Server!!! idk why u guys close theserver after every week. This is off topic but i've been seeing some posts about the game being censored and some quests and storyline being changed during the process. Is this true? do i need another key to play the next beat or can i use same key. You need a new one for each Beta. Not really asian martial art style, just by that specific artist art style. By who ? By Hyung-Tae Kim , not just hire and design but as Lead Designer. It is a pity that this week I dont test server. I wanted to test the Force Master so badly.
Can some one hook me up with one of these beta keys? We will surely experience a bit delay here in PH when playing that game for sure, but it's not a big issue for PVE players smile emoticon. Already in South America time to stop relying on the US to be able to play quality MMORPGs, will be good for everyone if the NC Soft open a B&S server in South America. EU players, enter the paysafecard giveaway before it’s too late! You could win some awesome WildStar and Blade & Soul prizes including Signature time, Master Packs, and paysafecard PINS. Signup up ends November 22nd!
If i have a beta key from last week can i used it this week too ? If you bought a founder pack then you have access to all betas but if you won the key then it could only be used for the beta weekend you won it on. Teiji Ishida i ll just wait for 19-1-16 then :c please add new payment metodhe for buying founder pack, i dont have credit card and paypal colonthree emoticon. yeah lets make this our wallpaper and wait for 2 more years. Manufacturers eager for us to create an account and activate your account by Email. why create an account yet registered mobile phone number sms code papoose carrier k 30s saw post code.
EA Sports FIFA
I cannot see my points in the online leaderboard. please help. EA stop posting this crap infact delete your fb account n take your money spinner game with you NOBODY WILL MISS YOU!! How about you worry about fixing your servers and informing your customers...maybe not bring cheapskates and making dedicated servers...or atleast decent gameplay...instead of worrying about posting this. Hey EA got a problem on my xbox one can't play online it says that my profile hasn't the permission to enter that feauture what can I do. Everytime good goals were scored against joe hard in national team FIFA 16 PC Coins .
Even if it was a friendly take nothing away from the strike. Sterling should of done better completely let him walk by him. I'm just sat here waiting for someone to post : man of the match: messi amazing, i'd like this team win on 2015 champion,get all teams jerseys,check insta: CROSSJERSEY. buy FIFA 16 coins Notice that you don't see one pro clubs goal in there. Why you ask ? Because FIFA just doesn't seem to care for pro clubs environment. Please fix your pro clubs or no matter how much I love FIFA. I will have no choice but to switch to a different game @EA Sports FIFA.
Don't think so looks like a ultimate team goal. Goal B is definitly pro club. There is a star over his head. Shity game! I will never play fifa anymore, only pes. This is the fucken worst fifa ever!!!!! Never playing it again. Well I'm enjoying not owning Fifa 16. Thats what you get ea sports!! You lose loyal customer cause they get sick of games freezing, cheating players and there endless funds, and people quitting cause there losing. Why Jackson Martínez don't get a real face? Why Martial, Depay, Bonaventura, Bacca, Luiz Adriano, Bertolacci... I want the new kit of the germany football team please. perfect, i'd like this team win on more fans 2015 season,get all teams jerseys,check insta: CROSSJERSEY
Most of those goals were down to poor defending by the opposition player or down to the problem with the goalies randomly running out without being commanded to do so..
Even if it was a friendly take nothing away from the strike. Sterling should of done better completely let him walk by him. I'm just sat here waiting for someone to post : man of the match: messi amazing, i'd like this team win on 2015 champion,get all teams jerseys,check insta: CROSSJERSEY. buy FIFA 16 coins Notice that you don't see one pro clubs goal in there. Why you ask ? Because FIFA just doesn't seem to care for pro clubs environment. Please fix your pro clubs or no matter how much I love FIFA. I will have no choice but to switch to a different game @EA Sports FIFA.
Don't think so looks like a ultimate team goal. Goal B is definitly pro club. There is a star over his head. Shity game! I will never play fifa anymore, only pes. This is the fucken worst fifa ever!!!!! Never playing it again. Well I'm enjoying not owning Fifa 16. Thats what you get ea sports!! You lose loyal customer cause they get sick of games freezing, cheating players and there endless funds, and people quitting cause there losing. Why Jackson Martínez don't get a real face? Why Martial, Depay, Bonaventura, Bacca, Luiz Adriano, Bertolacci... I want the new kit of the germany football team please. perfect, i'd like this team win on more fans 2015 season,get all teams jerseys,check insta: CROSSJERSEY
Most of those goals were down to poor defending by the opposition player or down to the problem with the goalies randomly running out without being commanded to do so..
Gerard and Lampard could control a game like scholes
Your telling me Gerard and Lampard could control a game like scholes then you don't really know the in and outs of football and don't know the tactical side, lampard great goal scorer but could he control a game? No Gerard had his moment but was he anything special no? Scholes controlled a game when he was younger he had a good scoring record when he was older he only one out of the 3 who knew the technical parts of football how to Control Aion Kinah a football game the pace of a football game was made by scholes Gerrard and lampard in books have better records but had no where near the football brain as Paul scholes.
Scholes was an integral part of pretty much every title that United won while he was at the club. You can't even deny that.
He's not a player that you often credit for his presence but once you lose him you see the difference almost immediately. Would Scholes have shine in that Liverpool team like Gerrard did buy Aion Gold ?
Would we even be talking about Scholes now if Gerrard was in that Manu team ? Obviously we would Paul because we would be remembering them as the greatest midfield partnership the world has ever seen. Could you tell the difference when scholes retired Ye United midfield never been the same can you tell the difference in Liverpool midfield since Gerard leaving? No still the same. I can only think of one midfielder who could control a game like him and that is pirlo another midfielder who had a very good football brain. Gerrard can do everything Scholes could do, Scholes can't do everything Gerrard can do. I.e. tackle. And you have a lack of knowledge of football get out of your bubble if you want to follow it out at least know how the game works you tit.
Hahaha must be on a wind up or deluded. Gerrard and Lampard, both great players but box to box players so naturally scored more goals.Scholes played deep and pulled the strings, not surprising Man Utd have struggled in the middle badly since he retired. In the last couple of years Gerrard was in Scholes position, didn't have anywhere near as good an impact as Scholes.
FFXIV reddit under datamining
Be sure to check them out for a comprehensive list of additions and refinements to the realm of Eorzea, including new story quests, new beast tribe quests, exploratory missions, and more! So many amazing things in this patch! As an omnicrafter, I'm most looking forward to the search functions in the crafting interface! 1000% agree Cheap FFXIV Gil . So tedious to find stuff when you REALLY need it.
Not only that, but you'll be able to search by ingredient. So we'll be able to type in "Linen Yarn" and see every recipe that uses Linen Yarn in it. Yup. Shame those red crabshells are still useless... bought tons for nothing. I'm not an endgame crafter quite yet, but those GC turn-ins are too good to pass up. The search function will make it much easier to find the recipe. As a leveling crafter, the search function will be handy for the GC turn ins FFXIV Gil!
I know, right? Withdrawal symptoms already lol. I wish to find out the stats on the new gear! Most likely like the ilv200 gear. Just nit upgradable. It's on the /r/FFXIV reddit under datamining (one of the posts up the top). Only two things I really want at this point. Is Hildabrand and Anima wep grind. Yeah zodiac weapons are so bad now, there needs to be a ilv 200 version. Yea man, the zodiac quests and hildabrand made FF14 for me tbh. Main scenario too but those two gave that game eternal flavor.
i see a ilvl50 axe being added called the "gigas axe" in the patch notes, is it something that was designed for glamour purposes? i look forward to adding it to my collection. i mainly wanted to know what was driving force for designing the axe and if it had any significance. Ahh yeah you are probably right, the heartless rod weapon from gs is the same staff that the Lamia Prosecutor uses from t7. I don't know if all the weapons from gs are inspired by ones enemies use, that one in particular is just one picked up on. I'd guess the axe will be styled after one that gigas mobs use. The majority (if not all) of the current gold saucer weapons are used by enemies in the game.
Not only that, but you'll be able to search by ingredient. So we'll be able to type in "Linen Yarn" and see every recipe that uses Linen Yarn in it. Yup. Shame those red crabshells are still useless... bought tons for nothing. I'm not an endgame crafter quite yet, but those GC turn-ins are too good to pass up. The search function will make it much easier to find the recipe. As a leveling crafter, the search function will be handy for the GC turn ins FFXIV Gil!
I know, right? Withdrawal symptoms already lol. I wish to find out the stats on the new gear! Most likely like the ilv200 gear. Just nit upgradable. It's on the /r/FFXIV reddit under datamining (one of the posts up the top). Only two things I really want at this point. Is Hildabrand and Anima wep grind. Yeah zodiac weapons are so bad now, there needs to be a ilv 200 version. Yea man, the zodiac quests and hildabrand made FF14 for me tbh. Main scenario too but those two gave that game eternal flavor.
i see a ilvl50 axe being added called the "gigas axe" in the patch notes, is it something that was designed for glamour purposes? i look forward to adding it to my collection. i mainly wanted to know what was driving force for designing the axe and if it had any significance. Ahh yeah you are probably right, the heartless rod weapon from gs is the same staff that the Lamia Prosecutor uses from t7. I don't know if all the weapons from gs are inspired by ones enemies use, that one in particular is just one picked up on. I'd guess the axe will be styled after one that gigas mobs use. The majority (if not all) of the current gold saucer weapons are used by enemies in the game.
GW2 is a Global game
OMG Thank you so much for an opportunity like this.. been playing on an older model Laptop.. Good luck to all who enter. Adrian Cretu Thank you, you too... Good luck to everyone, i'm From Québec Canada so i can't participate ! Wishing you all luck ! This is amazing! I've played GW2 since beta and loved every min of it! The chance to win and awesome compy to better run the game on is simply epic! Funny how people get so screamy about something free Cheap GW2 Gold ... That has zero impact on the game. I'm SO signing up for this. Upgrading to HoT at the end of this month, and a sweet setup would go great with it. Not American, but good luck to the rest of you. Just entered(: Good luck to everyone that entered the sweepstake!
my panties went sploosh. guild wars 2 is lucky for me, i originally won gw2. maybe i'll win the expansion too....and that grand or 1st prize *drools*. I can make your panties go sploosh but that was funny. "Note: Entrants must be U.S. citizens or lawful permanent U.S. residents residing in the fifty (50) United States or District of Columbia." There goes an entry. Next time write it Guild Wars 2 Sweepstakes for US ONLY.... Guild Wars 2 Please please put Roxx's Quiver back in the Gem Store, I will guarentee a purchase of gems to get that quiver, Guild Wars 2 Gold so many new skins in Heart of Thrones would be nicely with that quiver & I really want to buy it from you please put it back in there thankyou!! xoxo
Only US residents can participate of the Sweepstakes, but GW2 is a Global game. Strike out, Anet. You have a typo under the PC specs. The graphics card is a GPU not CPU. So... Us citizens always call my country (Colombia) Columbia...Can I enter??? Pretty please? I don't want no PC nor gems. I only want the expansion. Have been a fan of GW since ages. Have my fisic nightfall DVD here. You really don't want the expansion. They should make sale on HOT for all ppl. Now its not fair i cant get chance to get expansion, and many other people too.. there is many loyal players around the world not just US. T.T how about people on the other side of the world. GW1 is still running, alive and well. There's no reason not to play. Cant play , the sadness to see so many offline Friends.
Maybe on 2016 landing on Plaync NA
Gonna have a hard time with that on North American servers, dont you think? because when I play my screen is black? European aion game if I do not pass this. Aion two games xD flawed am If you change quality to high, your screen will be black. Change it back to normal and reload game. when to enter the game because I see that man ^^. I didn't understand your reply. o-o Oooh. My bad. I hope your problem gets fixed.
There will be a scheduled maintenance period for Daylight Savings on Sunday, October 31, 2015 from 1:45 AM to 2:30 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Tiamat Servers does not have ANY NPC! Please check. the game keep telling me peas try again in a few minuets in the log in screen anyone can help? OK, I'm ready. Tried twice since 2:30AM Central time. Aion Server Status says they are up but I keep getting DC'd from server at the Infiinite Canyon logon. Guys, Aion 5.0 is ready on Plaync (Aion Korea), and looks like Awesome!. Maybe on 2016 landing on Plaync NA (NCsoft).
How i know which one is for xp and which for kinah, sry When you cheap Aion Kinah talk to an NPC before you accept a quest, it shows you all the items you will receive when you complete the quest. So you know before you start the steps of the quest which will earn. Usually the rewards are XP, kinah and some other item (coin, potions, part of a set).But some can give a high amount of kinah and no XP, or otherwise. There are many buy Aion Gold rewards. i'm ok with the mana healing skills... but sadly I cannot equip certain stigmas at the same time as we used to do before this patch :<We still have the strongest mana restore skill fot all the allies so, I'm ok with it. x3
There will be a scheduled maintenance period for Daylight Savings on Sunday, October 31, 2015 from 1:45 AM to 2:30 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Tiamat Servers does not have ANY NPC! Please check. the game keep telling me peas try again in a few minuets in the log in screen anyone can help? OK, I'm ready. Tried twice since 2:30AM Central time. Aion Server Status says they are up but I keep getting DC'd from server at the Infiinite Canyon logon. Guys, Aion 5.0 is ready on Plaync (Aion Korea), and looks like Awesome!. Maybe on 2016 landing on Plaync NA (NCsoft).
How i know which one is for xp and which for kinah, sry When you cheap Aion Kinah talk to an NPC before you accept a quest, it shows you all the items you will receive when you complete the quest. So you know before you start the steps of the quest which will earn. Usually the rewards are XP, kinah and some other item (coin, potions, part of a set).But some can give a high amount of kinah and no XP, or otherwise. There are many buy Aion Gold rewards. i'm ok with the mana healing skills... but sadly I cannot equip certain stigmas at the same time as we used to do before this patch :<We still have the strongest mana restore skill fot all the allies so, I'm ok with it. x3
Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel to talk about the Guild Wars 2
Sooooo hammer skill two on rev wielding juggernaut. Make it erupt Mercury yes? Can't believe mmorpg didn't ask about the instability being experienced by so many people in the game. The client randomly crashes every hour or so. Join host Rubi Bayer and her developer guests for the next episode of Guild Chat on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel to talk about the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns launch and Halloween! Guild Chat will air on October 30 from noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) to 1:00 PM Pacific Tim Guild Wars 2 I just wanna say thank you for the action camera it means a lot in the gameplay true ARPG ok g2g gonna play now.
Guild Wars 2 Hi Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold! I'm having trouble since yesterday. I can make it to the character selection screen, then, it always crashes on the city loading screen saying to check my internet connection. have you tried a repair GW2 Gold ? That seemed to have done it for me. I think this issue will last a while due to mega server problems I had the same problem except i could only log in with my main. When i tried to log in any of my alts i got the same message as you. This was on thursday night but when i went to play on friday everything was back to normal. Hopefully it will right itself for you as well. Faisal Merchant I will try! Thank you Faisal! This was the best and most epic moment in gw2 even one of my top 5 in my life when it comes to gaming! BY FAR! Thank you Anet
hope someone answers...what would happen If I dc in pvp? the unranked area one? will my points/score reset to 0 if I recon? Okay this is getting extremely old. You know we all paid good money for this expansion and every time I start a mega event I get almost all the way through it and the game crashes on me so I do not get credit. Do you ( Anet) plan on fixing this for us that keep losing out on rewards? I mean seriously do you think it is fair that we paid money for this and all we get is this nonsense over and over? Have you thought about maybe at least trying to compensate those of us that keep losing out on the rewards? This is a terrible way for you as a major company to treat your loyal player base. PSH They don't care.
Comments like this are better directed toward the forums than a random post on their Facebook page. There is a bugs section where you can bring this up, most likely there is already a topic about it which you could add to. Well, I already did as have many others and if they would come in and at least say something, anything, folks would know that they are at least seeing our frustration. That's why I posted here. Maybe we can get a response of some kind.
Guild Wars 2 Hi Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold! I'm having trouble since yesterday. I can make it to the character selection screen, then, it always crashes on the city loading screen saying to check my internet connection. have you tried a repair GW2 Gold ? That seemed to have done it for me. I think this issue will last a while due to mega server problems I had the same problem except i could only log in with my main. When i tried to log in any of my alts i got the same message as you. This was on thursday night but when i went to play on friday everything was back to normal. Hopefully it will right itself for you as well. Faisal Merchant I will try! Thank you Faisal! This was the best and most epic moment in gw2 even one of my top 5 in my life when it comes to gaming! BY FAR! Thank you Anet
hope someone answers...what would happen If I dc in pvp? the unranked area one? will my points/score reset to 0 if I recon? Okay this is getting extremely old. You know we all paid good money for this expansion and every time I start a mega event I get almost all the way through it and the game crashes on me so I do not get credit. Do you ( Anet) plan on fixing this for us that keep losing out on rewards? I mean seriously do you think it is fair that we paid money for this and all we get is this nonsense over and over? Have you thought about maybe at least trying to compensate those of us that keep losing out on the rewards? This is a terrible way for you as a major company to treat your loyal player base. PSH They don't care.
Comments like this are better directed toward the forums than a random post on their Facebook page. There is a bugs section where you can bring this up, most likely there is already a topic about it which you could add to. Well, I already did as have many others and if they would come in and at least say something, anything, folks would know that they are at least seeing our frustration. That's why I posted here. Maybe we can get a response of some kind.
I have been playing MMORPG's for 18 years
Please let the new dungeons be an addition to the current 2 dungeons (nevereap + fractal)that are there for expert duty roulette. We are in need of variety when queueing xdr. The one thing I'm hoping for is that these new dungeons don't become the only ones in expert roulette, but rather get mixed in with the two we currently have. Sure the gear will become outdated, but at least by the end of the patch cycle you're running a wider variety of dungeons on expert roulette FFXIV Gils. It's been confirmed already they're going with Fractal/Nevereap.
does the dungeon drop an item that fixes the ability bloat and combat rotations? I heard it drops an item called "git gud", it lasts for roughly 60 min and can only be obtained once weekly. There is no ability bloat. Even if there was, I'd rather have that than WoW's new dumbed down 4-6 buttons per class.
Absolutely, I'd rather hotkey an entire keyboard for a locked in place rotation of mostly redundant abilities than a reactive combat system of fewer but more meaningful abilities. Only class I know of that has bloat is dark. And that's just mild. Use a controller, then. With extended cross-bar, I don't really have to change anything once I've set it, I use 90% of my abilities all the time. Meh. I have been playing MMORPG's for 18 years Buy Cheap FFXIV Gil straight. I have had a sub going for that long. This game while is fun does have some ability bloat. Ninja for example.
Jasen Ambrose flying mount. I still looking for that dragon lmao! Beasmen Daily is releasing the Sanu Mount. (Vanu Vanu) You want flying dragon mount? TOO BAD HERE'S A BROOMSTICK! We have a dragon. Do the main scenerio. Hope they fix the need a party of 8 crap for alex savage...i would like to have it in the DF please...oh and the new relic type weapons. Good luck getting a Duty Finder group past even Faust in A1S. As long as it means I have to do less Neverreap, bring it on. My FC has taken to calling it Alwaysreap. I was so happy that I got Continuum on expert yesterday!
does the dungeon drop an item that fixes the ability bloat and combat rotations? I heard it drops an item called "git gud", it lasts for roughly 60 min and can only be obtained once weekly. There is no ability bloat. Even if there was, I'd rather have that than WoW's new dumbed down 4-6 buttons per class.
Absolutely, I'd rather hotkey an entire keyboard for a locked in place rotation of mostly redundant abilities than a reactive combat system of fewer but more meaningful abilities. Only class I know of that has bloat is dark. And that's just mild. Use a controller, then. With extended cross-bar, I don't really have to change anything once I've set it, I use 90% of my abilities all the time. Meh. I have been playing MMORPG's for 18 years Buy Cheap FFXIV Gil straight. I have had a sub going for that long. This game while is fun does have some ability bloat. Ninja for example.
Jasen Ambrose flying mount. I still looking for that dragon lmao! Beasmen Daily is releasing the Sanu Mount. (Vanu Vanu) You want flying dragon mount? TOO BAD HERE'S A BROOMSTICK! We have a dragon. Do the main scenerio. Hope they fix the need a party of 8 crap for alex savage...i would like to have it in the DF please...oh and the new relic type weapons. Good luck getting a Duty Finder group past even Faust in A1S. As long as it means I have to do less Neverreap, bring it on. My FC has taken to calling it Alwaysreap. I was so happy that I got Continuum on expert yesterday!
bolaise flick you need 5 star s
How does it Trick working? What do I have TO do? Thank you Electronic Arts for banning my origin account for "farming FIFA coins", while I haven't even played a single game online! And thank you for "thoroughly investigating" my complaint! You truly deserve your reputation as worst company in the world! I will never again buy one of your games. WTF?! How can 2 players be wearing the same number?!
I think im the only one who dosent kno how to do that skill someone tell me .Aguero is a 4 star skill mover and to do the bolaise flick you need 5 star skill moves. Does anybody play Fifa at all cause I can't find opponents to play with. Go to do the controls for the bolasie flick and it wont work. why is it that for FIFA 16 coins the second time in a row, my online friendly game, the results are not confirmed (like there's never been a game at all). Connor Guttridge ea don't even know there own game . Boost your reputation faster with us , yes in 1/2 days we are able to deliver real likes !!!USA likes also available ?{ real-likes . com]
You should add a player physically edit, at least haircuts. Also add the last football boots and fix the career mode loading time from one season to another. Stop Failing at your Diet heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon and learn how to cook for real results. "If They Miss You, They’ll Call You. If They Want You, They’ll Tell You. ‘n If They Care, They’ll Show You. If Not, They’re Not Worth Your Time Because You’re Obviously Not Worth Theirs".. ! La connessione con il tuo avversario si è interrotta.. Bruneta fez esse drible ontem jogando pró. Lyssna han skulle starta i alla klubbar FIFA 16 PC Coins i Bundesliga. Like if you think Rooney is england's best ever player.
Do you really think that rooney is better than Sir Bobby Charlton,Alan Sharer,Bobby Moore,Gary Lineker,Robbie Fowler,Teddy Sherighan,Michael Owen,David Beckhan... Rooney has 187 EPL goals compared to Sharers 260, but i personally prefer Rooney Wouldn't say best ever player since he hasn't win anything with them which makes being top goalscorer completely meaningless. Where is David Beckham ?
He is a legend
But Rooney is absolutely best player "now" in England
I think im the only one who dosent kno how to do that skill someone tell me .Aguero is a 4 star skill mover and to do the bolaise flick you need 5 star skill moves. Does anybody play Fifa at all cause I can't find opponents to play with. Go to do the controls for the bolasie flick and it wont work. why is it that for FIFA 16 coins the second time in a row, my online friendly game, the results are not confirmed (like there's never been a game at all). Connor Guttridge ea don't even know there own game . Boost your reputation faster with us , yes in 1/2 days we are able to deliver real likes !!!USA likes also available ?{ real-likes . com]
You should add a player physically edit, at least haircuts. Also add the last football boots and fix the career mode loading time from one season to another. Stop Failing at your Diet heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon and learn how to cook for real results. "If They Miss You, They’ll Call You. If They Want You, They’ll Tell You. ‘n If They Care, They’ll Show You. If Not, They’re Not Worth Your Time Because You’re Obviously Not Worth Theirs".. ! La connessione con il tuo avversario si è interrotta.. Bruneta fez esse drible ontem jogando pró. Lyssna han skulle starta i alla klubbar FIFA 16 PC Coins i Bundesliga. Like if you think Rooney is england's best ever player.
Do you really think that rooney is better than Sir Bobby Charlton,Alan Sharer,Bobby Moore,Gary Lineker,Robbie Fowler,Teddy Sherighan,Michael Owen,David Beckhan... Rooney has 187 EPL goals compared to Sharers 260, but i personally prefer Rooney Wouldn't say best ever player since he hasn't win anything with them which makes being top goalscorer completely meaningless. Where is David Beckham ?
He is a legend
But Rooney is absolutely best player "now" in England
heart of thorns makes GW2 interesting
Hope heart of thorns makes the game what it should have been in the first place. However this time I will wait and see. Other games have made a heck of a lot of money Cheap GW2 Gold off me since GW2 proved less than advertised. I'll wait for the reviews this time I think... Sorry gotta pay my cancer bills off first. Still disagreed with the price as well. Good luck AOL been a good 11 years 33 slots in gw1 12 in GW2 but I guess I didn't spend enough for an expansion discount. Signed the WINE.
Are we getting a grace period to start levelling up our new revenants ready for the release? put those "instant lvl 20" scrolls to use at last. I taught they said that we could not use scrolls of tomes to level the revenant? Nope. They're fully usable. I've got an instant 30 token and 50 tomes sitting in my bank for my revenant. I grinded in PvP and have like 73 Tombs of knowledge. Plus I have a lvl 20 scroll. So I will have some left over. smile emoticon . 3 20 scrolls, 1 30 scroll, 90 tomes of knowledge. . Get in my level.
Well I could do pretty much the same, but where's the fun in just starting out at level 80? It would be a lot more fun to send a revenant on the entire journey and discover everything along the way, even though I've done that at least 30 times already with other classes. I think my revenant will take the long path to level 80 and the Maguuma Jungle, but it would be nice to be doing that a week or two in advance of the new areas opening up. play heart of thorns on your current main. level your rev in the mad king labyrinth and play some halloween content =] good balance. Can we pre download hot game prior too launch? i think the addon is on the game files atm only bug fix come to release. im not sure wink emoticon but i think i play beta with gw2 client and that means for me HOT is ingame but closed.
goodie goodie grin emoticon got my PC upgraded just in time ^^
despite running on max I still turn off the post processing (because of those hideous glowing outlines grr)and the crappy AA because it just blurs everything and looks horrible.
Are we getting a grace period to start levelling up our new revenants ready for the release? put those "instant lvl 20" scrolls to use at last. I taught they said that we could not use scrolls of tomes to level the revenant? Nope. They're fully usable. I've got an instant 30 token and 50 tomes sitting in my bank for my revenant. I grinded in PvP and have like 73 Tombs of knowledge. Plus I have a lvl 20 scroll. So I will have some left over. smile emoticon . 3 20 scrolls, 1 30 scroll, 90 tomes of knowledge. . Get in my level.
Well I could do pretty much the same, but where's the fun in just starting out at level 80? It would be a lot more fun to send a revenant on the entire journey and discover everything along the way, even though I've done that at least 30 times already with other classes. I think my revenant will take the long path to level 80 and the Maguuma Jungle, but it would be nice to be doing that a week or two in advance of the new areas opening up. play heart of thorns on your current main. level your rev in the mad king labyrinth and play some halloween content =] good balance. Can we pre download hot game prior too launch? i think the addon is on the game files atm only bug fix come to release. im not sure wink emoticon but i think i play beta with gw2 client and that means for me HOT is ingame but closed.
goodie goodie grin emoticon got my PC upgraded just in time ^^
despite running on max I still turn off the post processing (because of those hideous glowing outlines grr)and the crappy AA because it just blurs everything and looks horrible.
GW2 Forcing PvP and wvw on people
They are not bad. Without reading the article, I do hope that crafting these items will not increase some TP item prices into oblivion like it happened after collections hitted in... So now that we will be able to get Legendies through brutal Axe to the face action, I might be able to get even more brutal with my Axe to the face thing.And get lots of money by selling those shinies too.
so, anet... if you wanna shut up all the pve crybabies and give them an option to get the legendaries without doing pvp, be fair and give the pvp community an option to get the skins without doing pve as well. only 16 weapons, does that mean no underwater legendaries? if so, rethink that plz. What? Unless there will be a underwater exp, nobody needs underwater legends there is a 100% underwater fractal, 2 dungeon paths, a lot of underwater open world content, wtf gurl GW2 Gold ?
Forcing PvP and wvw on people? There should be different options to get the stuff you need in pve, PvP, and wvw. so gift of mastery still needs gift of exploration? if so, do I need to 100% explore maguuma for it? what if i dont have the expansion, can i still do the old maps and get the original legendaries? So I'm confused. Do you have to do a collection to Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold get the precursor recipe, and then do a collection to get a legendary recipe then? That article (and the ones before it) are a little confusing in my opinion. I don't mind collecting stuff for crafting, I just hate that I have to initially grind up the regular crafting disciplines. If there were npcs I could take stuff to and them craft it, that would be preferable to me as I have no other reason to level any crafting discipline.
That AXE n' PISTOL tho!!! I wanan see the armor and TRIDENT! (Yes I said it) tongue emoticon. Very nice weapons indeed! Having to do WvW & PvP for them is a bit of a downer though. And I thought they were going to keep the legendaries away from that. Thank you! I Really wanted a Legendary with the Staff's theme! The darkness and blue theme is my favorite! With it being on a wooden staff and with my Daredevil I hope it looks beautiful! I am sure I will find a use of staff DD with this as incentive! Crows Incoming : I really wanna know what they're doing for legendary hammer myself; I love hammers and have two new classes to use it on now, but Juggernaut isn't my style.
so, anet... if you wanna shut up all the pve crybabies and give them an option to get the legendaries without doing pvp, be fair and give the pvp community an option to get the skins without doing pve as well. only 16 weapons, does that mean no underwater legendaries? if so, rethink that plz. What? Unless there will be a underwater exp, nobody needs underwater legends there is a 100% underwater fractal, 2 dungeon paths, a lot of underwater open world content, wtf gurl GW2 Gold ?
Forcing PvP and wvw on people? There should be different options to get the stuff you need in pve, PvP, and wvw. so gift of mastery still needs gift of exploration? if so, do I need to 100% explore maguuma for it? what if i dont have the expansion, can i still do the old maps and get the original legendaries? So I'm confused. Do you have to do a collection to Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold get the precursor recipe, and then do a collection to get a legendary recipe then? That article (and the ones before it) are a little confusing in my opinion. I don't mind collecting stuff for crafting, I just hate that I have to initially grind up the regular crafting disciplines. If there were npcs I could take stuff to and them craft it, that would be preferable to me as I have no other reason to level any crafting discipline.
That AXE n' PISTOL tho!!! I wanan see the armor and TRIDENT! (Yes I said it) tongue emoticon. Very nice weapons indeed! Having to do WvW & PvP for them is a bit of a downer though. And I thought they were going to keep the legendaries away from that. Thank you! I Really wanted a Legendary with the Staff's theme! The darkness and blue theme is my favorite! With it being on a wooden staff and with my Daredevil I hope it looks beautiful! I am sure I will find a use of staff DD with this as incentive! Crows Incoming : I really wanna know what they're doing for legendary hammer myself; I love hammers and have two new classes to use it on now, but Juggernaut isn't my style.
we pay 1k gems for a GW2 item
Okay first off ANET really disappointed by the amount of gems you are asking for the Logging and mining items 1000 gems is insane! Now the only way I would pay that price would be if I could have the item on across all of my characters. It seems pretty rediculous to spend this much and have to switch it between used chars all the time its not worth it. Second I understand HOT is close approaching but could you not do something new for Halloween, new minis or gear or anything!!! Kinda bummed out its the same thing as last year. Prices in gem store are way to high for some items as well. Transmutation stones for example is like the main item of the game the whole game is based off of customising your characters and yet you cant get them very easy in game and in gem store again price is not worth what you get especially when I mself even would love to change my outfits every few days. "Ridiculous". You're welcome. I fail to see how the prices are too high, except that you don't like them. 800 gems is $10. You can do the math for the logging items. Sure, it'd be nice if we got them across all our characters. Also, I wish my parakeets GW2 Gold could fix me dinner and dispense jellybeans. Arenanet is in this to make money.
Okay the point was I spend basically 12-15 bucks for example the mining axe, now I have 3 main chars I play all the time so now every time I want to use my logging axe I have to log on a char take it put it in my bank log on the other go to bank...what I am getting at is if we pay 1k gems for a item why is it we cannot use it across all of our toons more easily. It really gets rid of the convenience factor and makes it pretty annoying and we shouldnt have to buy multiples of the same item, they did that with dyes and we see how well that turned out in the end. They make pleanty enough money I am sure int he Gem store, hell even the minis are insanely high priced and those arent even collection items and sit there collecting dust. I spend real $ to support the game. It isnt a lot to ask and seems pretty realistic Cheap GW2 Gold . The more people buy the more $ you can make, the prices are right ppl buy more its a proven sales tactic.
Or you could buy non-infinite picks/axes/sickles for free in game! grin emoticon Yay no more complaining. I do that (aren't free)but that doesn't support the game as much as gem purchases. As a gem buyer it seems logical that if you buy a item that's universal it can be used across all characters not just 1. The Infinite use items are account bound, throw them in the bank and use them on an alt... what is so hard about that? And for an infinite use item 1k gems is not that bad, it is a one time purchase!
Okay the point was I spend basically 12-15 bucks for example the mining axe, now I have 3 main chars I play all the time so now every time I want to use my logging axe I have to log on a char take it put it in my bank log on the other go to bank...what I am getting at is if we pay 1k gems for a item why is it we cannot use it across all of our toons more easily. It really gets rid of the convenience factor and makes it pretty annoying and we shouldnt have to buy multiples of the same item, they did that with dyes and we see how well that turned out in the end. They make pleanty enough money I am sure int he Gem store, hell even the minis are insanely high priced and those arent even collection items and sit there collecting dust. I spend real $ to support the game. It isnt a lot to ask and seems pretty realistic Cheap GW2 Gold . The more people buy the more $ you can make, the prices are right ppl buy more its a proven sales tactic.
Or you could buy non-infinite picks/axes/sickles for free in game! grin emoticon Yay no more complaining. I do that (aren't free)but that doesn't support the game as much as gem purchases. As a gem buyer it seems logical that if you buy a item that's universal it can be used across all characters not just 1. The Infinite use items are account bound, throw them in the bank and use them on an alt... what is so hard about that? And for an infinite use item 1k gems is not that bad, it is a one time purchase!
Role changes of aion 4.9
New reinforcement
1. In after the break can be sought to strengthen the equipment, delete peak enhancement after the breakthrough stage, change can use Kenath and the LORD God strengthen the stone to strengthen
According to the level and strengthen the value of props, consumption based
The current consumption has to strengthen the props in strengthening before failure based
- the highest after reinforcement, strengthening the props in the window has been consumed, showed increased
2 to delete the breakthrough stage, breaking the tool, breaking the stone to be unable to use, breaking the stone will be converted into the corresponding types of water to the corresponding types of awakening Aion Gold
3 increase in the use of the LORD God of the reinforcement to strengthen the props
- armor and weapons props from strengthening the 11 start to peak enhancement before failure to strengthen, the enhanced phase change to fall only a stage
- after the maximum reinforcement, the strengthening phase and now as the same as the maximum reinforcement stage
- Fire Dragon props in the failure to strengthen the outsider series, props destroyed
- improve the LORD God strengthen the stone to strengthen the success of armor props, to peak enhancement stage before implementation of + 2 reinforcement, or + 3 enhanced the probability
Strengthening the capability of application of 4 new armor value when strengthening, strengthening the capability of value increase
5 weapons / armor in +21 strengthening above, strengthening capacity of 2 times the value of the
6 shield +21 to strengthen the above, increase the application of cheap Aion Kinah vitality, physical defense, magic ability to reduce the value of
7 can not carry out the breakthrough to strengthen the props to change to also can not be limited, to strengthen
8 to change the contents of the tip of the divine awakening water prop
9 increase the "glory of the LORD God shield" skills
Role related
1 mobile to a comprehensive novice server, a comprehensive copy of the server, the owner of the privilege of the apartment owners do not show the problem has been corrected
2 fixed some incorrect display of the game player in the competitive position of resorting to violence mode summary Earrings
3 part of the repair of the shape of the part of the change is not correct
Skill adjustment
1 expand the application scope of the upper and lower parts of the skills
2 fixes some problems that cannot be used normally.
3 flight conditions will not be used bandage treatment
1. In after the break can be sought to strengthen the equipment, delete peak enhancement after the breakthrough stage, change can use Kenath and the LORD God strengthen the stone to strengthen
According to the level and strengthen the value of props, consumption based
The current consumption has to strengthen the props in strengthening before failure based
- the highest after reinforcement, strengthening the props in the window has been consumed, showed increased
2 to delete the breakthrough stage, breaking the tool, breaking the stone to be unable to use, breaking the stone will be converted into the corresponding types of water to the corresponding types of awakening Aion Gold
3 increase in the use of the LORD God of the reinforcement to strengthen the props
- armor and weapons props from strengthening the 11 start to peak enhancement before failure to strengthen, the enhanced phase change to fall only a stage
- after the maximum reinforcement, the strengthening phase and now as the same as the maximum reinforcement stage
- Fire Dragon props in the failure to strengthen the outsider series, props destroyed
- improve the LORD God strengthen the stone to strengthen the success of armor props, to peak enhancement stage before implementation of + 2 reinforcement, or + 3 enhanced the probability
Strengthening the capability of application of 4 new armor value when strengthening, strengthening the capability of value increase
5 weapons / armor in +21 strengthening above, strengthening capacity of 2 times the value of the
6 shield +21 to strengthen the above, increase the application of cheap Aion Kinah vitality, physical defense, magic ability to reduce the value of
7 can not carry out the breakthrough to strengthen the props to change to also can not be limited, to strengthen
8 to change the contents of the tip of the divine awakening water prop
9 increase the "glory of the LORD God shield" skills
Role related
1 mobile to a comprehensive novice server, a comprehensive copy of the server, the owner of the privilege of the apartment owners do not show the problem has been corrected
2 fixed some incorrect display of the game player in the competitive position of resorting to violence mode summary Earrings
3 part of the repair of the shape of the part of the change is not correct
Skill adjustment
1 expand the application scope of the upper and lower parts of the skills
2 fixes some problems that cannot be used normally.
3 flight conditions will not be used bandage treatment
I loved the ffxiv ATB system
I loved the ATB system as well. But I think ATB and cinematic are completely opposite. Bad guys don't wait for their turn to hit you in movies. The direction they are taking it is actually way more cinematic.\
I wish the dislike was available so I can use it. Your company is a scam. You force people to purchase a "one time password." I registered for the 14 day free trial, downloaded the game and tried to log in but couldn't because I don't have the *one time password. Why would I purchase that without knowing if I like the game? Actually, I am not sure if you played the demo. But it featured Ramuh as a summon which looked incredible. And I am sure there will be more. And I am also sure there will be magic as well. They honestly haven't shown enough to really make a judgement. I loved the ATB system as well. But I think ATB and cinematic are completely opposite. Bad guys don't wait for their turn to hit you in movies. The direction they are taking it is actually way more cinematic.\
I wish the dislike was available so I can use it. Your company is a scam. You force people to purchase a "one time password." I registered for the 14 day free trial, downloaded the game and tried to log in but couldn't because I don't have the *one time password. Why would I purchase that without knowing if I like the game?
I wish the dislike was available so I can use it. Your company is a scam. You force people to purchase a "one time password." I registered for the 14 day free trial, downloaded the game and tried to log in but couldn't because I don't have the *one time password. Why would I purchase that without knowing if I like the game? Actually, I am not sure if you played the demo. But it featured Ramuh as a summon which looked incredible. And I am sure there will be more. And I am also sure there will be magic as well. They honestly haven't shown enough to really make a judgement. I loved the ATB system as well. But I think ATB and cinematic are completely opposite. Bad guys don't wait for their turn to hit you in movies. The direction they are taking it is actually way more cinematic.\
I wish the dislike was available so I can use it. Your company is a scam. You force people to purchase a "one time password." I registered for the 14 day free trial, downloaded the game and tried to log in but couldn't because I don't have the *one time password. Why would I purchase that without knowing if I like the game?
Glasgow Rangers won't be in FIFA 16
Hairline look better than mine. even zlatan knows he is better than him! And he never admits that! Met the best football player! Best buds with him. Then.....he was a fat goofy footballer, now.FIFA 16 coins ....hes a fat goofy gambler! CR7 is way better then him and thats FACT. A real class act will drag a nobody team to greatness. Step up Gareth bale. In my eyes there will never FIFA 16 PC Coins ever be a greater player than this lad, my idol and hero growing up, when he had the ball he was unstoppable, simply magic. Greatness recognizes greatness. He be eating lota of fried chicken these days lol. I love how he adds "in my view" at the end just to emphasize that the only opinion that matters is Zlatans. How many goals for has he scored for denmark? Exactly.
Miroslav Klose is the very best player of the world!!! Klose the living legend! Why did you even bring up cristiano. So the Glasgow Rangers won't be in the game. What does that mean for Zelalem in career mode? Will he come back at the end of the first season or won't he feature at all in the game? It looks very good, I love FIFA, I play it since the '98 edition and now looks so real...Play Beautiful! Football as it always has and always will be.
Ps4 fifa 16 . Pre order ready to have some fun with it. are they the yang brothers in 22 jump street and btw when is the release date for fifa 16 on ioS. Is that how theyve been in it the last few years ya roaster? Only TOP FLIGHT clubs in fifa 16. We can confirm that we did not reach a licensing agreement with Rangers and they are not in FIFA 16.
“However, newly promoted Hearts will feature in the game with the other 11 authentic clubs from the Scottish Premiership.”
How'd you like them apples, "ya roaster" ?!
"ATHENTIC" Pes is the one with "soccer" in the name... You are adding so many leagues,
So many teams and players,
Even Romania and North Africa ...
But Israel did not .. Despite the higher percentage we vote.
You are anti-Semites and Jews, and you know we hate you and all the children of Israel was declared,
We will not buy any game of fifa and ea sport
we dont buy until israel league includ the game.
We hope to start letting it to fifa 16,
Otherwise there had been bought anything in your company,
I speak on behalf of all the children of Israel.
Wish you only evil and you will lose our country.
Miroslav Klose is the very best player of the world!!! Klose the living legend! Why did you even bring up cristiano. So the Glasgow Rangers won't be in the game. What does that mean for Zelalem in career mode? Will he come back at the end of the first season or won't he feature at all in the game? It looks very good, I love FIFA, I play it since the '98 edition and now looks so real...Play Beautiful! Football as it always has and always will be.
Ps4 fifa 16 . Pre order ready to have some fun with it. are they the yang brothers in 22 jump street and btw when is the release date for fifa 16 on ioS. Is that how theyve been in it the last few years ya roaster? Only TOP FLIGHT clubs in fifa 16. We can confirm that we did not reach a licensing agreement with Rangers and they are not in FIFA 16.
“However, newly promoted Hearts will feature in the game with the other 11 authentic clubs from the Scottish Premiership.”
How'd you like them apples, "ya roaster" ?!
"ATHENTIC" Pes is the one with "soccer" in the name... You are adding so many leagues,
So many teams and players,
Even Romania and North Africa ...
But Israel did not .. Despite the higher percentage we vote.
You are anti-Semites and Jews, and you know we hate you and all the children of Israel was declared,
We will not buy any game of fifa and ea sport
we dont buy until israel league includ the game.
We hope to start letting it to fifa 16,
Otherwise there had been bought anything in your company,
I speak on behalf of all the children of Israel.
Wish you only evil and you will lose our country.
Koji & Soken's Wild Ride PAX panel archive
Koji & Soken's Wild Ride PAX panel archive is live! Read over the Developers' Blog to watch and see how we celebrated at PAX!
Do not waste your time on this game 1 to 50 not so bad after that you will play the way they think the game should be played. also even if you get the collectors edition you still will be required to do ever stupid thing that everyone else has to so its a waste of money. All Natural Performance Enhancing & Hangover Cure.Use $5 off Coupon Code: Finalfantasy. We're headed to the Tokyo Game Show, and we've got some exciting things planned for all of you! A Letter from the Producer LIVE, Cactuar Lottery 3.0, and more FFXIV gil !
Bring lighting event back once more :C. No, don't bring it back. If you periodically keep returning it then the items and hairstyles are no longer special. It's called a "limited time" event for a reason. They aren't special to begin with cheap FFXIV gil , lol. Everyone and their mother has the stuff. You're not special for having it, you're a douchebag for denying others it. So should they start handing out legacy tattoos and chocobos too? Implying those are anywhere near as common as the Lightning fate items LOL. It's a slippery slope. Why should new players be entitled to event items we were around for and they weren't? The same can be said for legacy players. Either make everything available for everyone or keep it how it is. There has to be a cut off somewhere.Either you played during the event or you didn't. That's how it is and how it should be. i would at least like the ability to transfer them to another character. My character with those items has been retired. My current character would like them .
Legacy tats and the chocobos are one thing. A hairstyle and outfit is anouther. That elitist attitude is what makes new players resent us. Chill out, dude. An item doesn't make you a special snowflake. Crawl out of your mother's basement once in a while and get some sun and fresh air.
Do not waste your time on this game 1 to 50 not so bad after that you will play the way they think the game should be played. also even if you get the collectors edition you still will be required to do ever stupid thing that everyone else has to so its a waste of money. All Natural Performance Enhancing & Hangover Cure.Use $5 off Coupon Code: Finalfantasy. We're headed to the Tokyo Game Show, and we've got some exciting things planned for all of you! A Letter from the Producer LIVE, Cactuar Lottery 3.0, and more FFXIV gil !
Bring lighting event back once more :C. No, don't bring it back. If you periodically keep returning it then the items and hairstyles are no longer special. It's called a "limited time" event for a reason. They aren't special to begin with cheap FFXIV gil , lol. Everyone and their mother has the stuff. You're not special for having it, you're a douchebag for denying others it. So should they start handing out legacy tattoos and chocobos too? Implying those are anywhere near as common as the Lightning fate items LOL. It's a slippery slope. Why should new players be entitled to event items we were around for and they weren't? The same can be said for legacy players. Either make everything available for everyone or keep it how it is. There has to be a cut off somewhere.Either you played during the event or you didn't. That's how it is and how it should be. i would at least like the ability to transfer them to another character. My character with those items has been retired. My current character would like them .
Legacy tats and the chocobos are one thing. A hairstyle and outfit is anouther. That elitist attitude is what makes new players resent us. Chill out, dude. An item doesn't make you a special snowflake. Crawl out of your mother's basement once in a while and get some sun and fresh air.
Alaba is a great player
I watch, and Alaba is a great player. But if u analyze the past season, Jordi Alba recovered his great form and was so much better than Alaba. And if Terry is 85, which rating Hummels, Boateng, Piqué, Sergio Ramos deserve?? Cause nowadays they are better than Terry hands down.
These are based on last season Buy FIFA 16 coins . Terry was literally terrific. Anyways these don't matter a lot since there will be fluctuations with the online updates coming in. one yellow card last season
One of the best CB of last season
And captained the winning the team of the league
Played EVERY single minute of the league. Dude like you do know there like 40 more players they going to show right lmfao. Look I hate John Terry but his rating is reasonable based on how great he did last season. He was one of Chelseas best players last year... You're right Alaba is over rated. But the best LB last season was Marcelo. And I strongly dislike Marcelo. But he did great.
Alaba plays cam for country and shines most versatile player on the field any given day. vanderson, you don't even watch alaba, alaba can take freekicks...., as well as defend...., he brings more to the team, than alba....Terry rating is reasonable considering he is from champion squad last season. Alaba is a beast if anything they should be equal FIFA 16 PC Coins I don't think either one is better than the other. But jordi won a lot of silver last season if he gets a lower rating it's stupid. Just because MSN carried barca doesn't mean all the players are great .For example dani alves made some defensive mistakes that cost barca some matches and pique made some mistakes in the first half of the season.
Dear Brian Ramirez dani alves is best right back and you complaing about barca defence we are having most number of clean sheets and also less goals conceeded than your so called best dfnders now say and jordi alba you watch barca games first i agree marcello is pure talent but alba is alba. I'm judging Alba by his past season. And you can't deny that his season was way better than Marcelo's season and better also than Alaba's season. Alaba is a far superior in every aspect save for maybe pace. Positioning, vision, tackling, crossin, passing all outclass alba who is basically just there to use his acceleration.
These are based on last season Buy FIFA 16 coins . Terry was literally terrific. Anyways these don't matter a lot since there will be fluctuations with the online updates coming in. one yellow card last season
One of the best CB of last season
And captained the winning the team of the league
Played EVERY single minute of the league. Dude like you do know there like 40 more players they going to show right lmfao. Look I hate John Terry but his rating is reasonable based on how great he did last season. He was one of Chelseas best players last year... You're right Alaba is over rated. But the best LB last season was Marcelo. And I strongly dislike Marcelo. But he did great.
Alaba plays cam for country and shines most versatile player on the field any given day. vanderson, you don't even watch alaba, alaba can take freekicks...., as well as defend...., he brings more to the team, than alba....Terry rating is reasonable considering he is from champion squad last season. Alaba is a beast if anything they should be equal FIFA 16 PC Coins I don't think either one is better than the other. But jordi won a lot of silver last season if he gets a lower rating it's stupid. Just because MSN carried barca doesn't mean all the players are great .For example dani alves made some defensive mistakes that cost barca some matches and pique made some mistakes in the first half of the season.
Dear Brian Ramirez dani alves is best right back and you complaing about barca defence we are having most number of clean sheets and also less goals conceeded than your so called best dfnders now say and jordi alba you watch barca games first i agree marcello is pure talent but alba is alba. I'm judging Alba by his past season. And you can't deny that his season was way better than Marcelo's season and better also than Alaba's season. Alaba is a far superior in every aspect save for maybe pace. Positioning, vision, tackling, crossin, passing all outclass alba who is basically just there to use his acceleration.
No skills player = buy PES
Just be honest, pes have upped their game this year. lol stop being fanboys..this time's pes16 demo is good. Pes is more balanced, defending is way better them fifa, graphics are 100 times better then fifa, more realistic but sadly they don't have bpl license or else they would be the top dog! I gave it a shot. It's...different. I think I'm just too used to Fifa. The gameplay is good but the lack of licenses is a deal breaker. If you have PS4 you will be able to use Option Files, so you'll have all the correct teams/licenses.There's always stuff that I like in PES demoes, but never enough to even compete with fifa! It's so weird and clumsy at times.. Tried the demo FIFA 16 PC Coins, it was different but I might give the game a shot before I judge. All that's good about pro evo is graphics that's it. Graphics were awesome and the animations were realistic but it still sucks. Damn. I played PES 16 demo too and it's terrible. I'm not exaggerating. Any objective person would say the same.
Apart from the refs being wayyy to lenient Buy FIFA 16 coins , this year's PES demo has been great. People who say pes is awful are fan boys that can't admit they have caught up! Pes plays much better and fairer and doesn't rely and sweaty pace players and lob through balls over the top! You don't like it because it's too hard cause your used to FIFA doing everything for you (FIFA fan). I will forward my opinion once I've downloaded the demo, I've heard the graphics are good, I just hope the player movements aren't like previous PES games, but I'm open minded . A lot of people raved about last years and I just picked it up and it was graphically awful, so dated. It played well enough and felt more balanced on the whole but it was far too easy to score from outside the box. Pes is comming! FIFA watch iT !! Both games for me this year ! Pes is awful, boring boring gameplay! Realistic isn't always better. To be honest I am a fifa fan and I tried it wasn't bad just apart from the graphics like that improved the game play I see the same as the pes 15. PES demo is superb.. and the fact u can get option files will make it better than Fifa this year.
Apart from the refs being wayyy to lenient Buy FIFA 16 coins , this year's PES demo has been great. People who say pes is awful are fan boys that can't admit they have caught up! Pes plays much better and fairer and doesn't rely and sweaty pace players and lob through balls over the top! You don't like it because it's too hard cause your used to FIFA doing everything for you (FIFA fan). I will forward my opinion once I've downloaded the demo, I've heard the graphics are good, I just hope the player movements aren't like previous PES games, but I'm open minded . A lot of people raved about last years and I just picked it up and it was graphically awful, so dated. It played well enough and felt more balanced on the whole but it was far too easy to score from outside the box. Pes is comming! FIFA watch iT !! Both games for me this year ! Pes is awful, boring boring gameplay! Realistic isn't always better. To be honest I am a fifa fan and I tried it wasn't bad just apart from the graphics like that improved the game play I see the same as the pes 15. PES demo is superb.. and the fact u can get option files will make it better than Fifa this year.
Every game of Fifa 15 felt like the same game over and over and over... It's okay but the graphics look like it's on the PS2. Anyone who says PES is better have prob suffered too much from losing in fifa. No skills player = buy PES. what an idiot.... haha... Buy FIFA 15 coins. back to glitchy fifa..... and sone idiot said realistic isn't always better??? jesus.... the amount of kids here though..... fifa is fun that is true....PES wants you to play real football, fifa plays like a highlight reel..... no slow build up play, just end to end attacking..... but whatever people. Lol realistic isn't always better kids just want to have fun Carlos anyone can win in FIFA just love the ball to turn fast forward everyone plays like that in FIFA I saw an online match finished 9-8 the guys lost cause time ran out just as he was about to love it to his forward for the equalizer.
ffxiv new job gear is coming in this patch
pve has always been easy, pvp is why WoW is king. FFXIV does have nice music and graphics though. You mean the pvp that they cannot balance correctly? Wow is and will always be a primarily pve game, thats where the majority of their money comes from. Same as this game FFXIV gil . long time FF player, first time true mmorpg player. I'm a tank and just hit lvl 20. I meant to start out as dps which is what I usually do in these games but I'll give tank a shot and play through til I hit cap. Anyone have any suggestions or insight on what I should be focusing on? How to get in a league or clan whatever they're called Oh! When do I get my own chocobo??? TIA.
I remember.. I tried healer for the first time.. while I already finished the Heavensward story.. I always played as a DPS.. cause I dont play the game that much..
so I went with the astrologian Job..
The first dungeon I got Kicked for being a bad healer.. It was just expected of me.. because I finished heavensward cheap FFXIV gil ..
It was expected from me to know how heal..
I did my best and this was the first mmorpg I played so..
People are so cruel.. most people just wanna rush trough all the dungeons.. they even wont let me watch the dungeon cutscenes.. and you eventually get kicked cause u watch them...
''You can watch it in the inn''
Sorry but I don't play this game to rush trough it and be number 1 of the whole server.. I like to enjoy the game while it comes...
No offence to anyone. What about this gear they are talking about? Newer gear? Or is it the item parts still? for a second there i thot that was the Tardes. >-< Please tell me the new job gear is coming in this patch... it was included in the HW trailer! Af2 and relic are comming out in 3.1 so nope not yet. I played for a day for the 1st first time. Next day my square enix account was suspended. Not sure what to do nxt . If only you'd fail to be content with the explanation of just "exchanged for gear." I crave details. felipe you make my day on every post i see you on haha. 1 sarcastic mofo. alex the pages can be traded for a piece of gear of your choosing.
I remember.. I tried healer for the first time.. while I already finished the Heavensward story.. I always played as a DPS.. cause I dont play the game that much..
so I went with the astrologian Job..
The first dungeon I got Kicked for being a bad healer.. It was just expected of me.. because I finished heavensward cheap FFXIV gil ..
It was expected from me to know how heal..
I did my best and this was the first mmorpg I played so..
People are so cruel.. most people just wanna rush trough all the dungeons.. they even wont let me watch the dungeon cutscenes.. and you eventually get kicked cause u watch them...
''You can watch it in the inn''
Sorry but I don't play this game to rush trough it and be number 1 of the whole server.. I like to enjoy the game while it comes...
No offence to anyone. What about this gear they are talking about? Newer gear? Or is it the item parts still? for a second there i thot that was the Tardes. >-< Please tell me the new job gear is coming in this patch... it was included in the HW trailer! Af2 and relic are comming out in 3.1 so nope not yet. I played for a day for the 1st first time. Next day my square enix account was suspended. Not sure what to do nxt . If only you'd fail to be content with the explanation of just "exchanged for gear." I crave details. felipe you make my day on every post i see you on haha. 1 sarcastic mofo. alex the pages can be traded for a piece of gear of your choosing.
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