You may need to contact NCSoft support directly.... Hey all! I have the game installed and updated; but I can't post to the Beta Forums. want to report issue with game launcher , it is stuck at repair and cannot get throw it , it just says 85 bytes repair files and it dosenot download them/i pay for Founder's Pack but failed connect to server. WHY? And when i can log in, the server kick me out for many time. hi, i have redeemed my key but when i try to start game it sais failed to connect to server, any ideas? I have the key, but i cant install the game. Keep trying and re-downloading the installer, yet still received the error message. Please respond to my problem. I logged in and kept refreshing the page until it put me in the queue, got a key just now. Don't give up y'all. say me All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway! Really? It's all gone already? Wow that's quick
Actually, scratch that question - when will founder packs be available until? I want to order the most expensive one near Christmas (well, just after.. and how do I go about upgrading?) Yea founders pack is available until headstart from what I've seen. Still waiting for a key, its like 3 years im waiting to test B&S... B-but.. I don't want it to end. I love the game and I love sending in support tickets to let you guys know what bugs Blade and Soul Buy Gold there are.. Don't take it away! i cant connect this say that the connection with server failed/