
GW2 Forcing PvP and wvw on people

They are not bad. Without reading the article, I do hope that crafting these items will not increase some TP item prices into oblivion like it happened after collections hitted in... So now that we will be able to get Legendies through brutal Axe to the face action, I might be able to get even more brutal with my Axe to the face thing.And get lots of money by selling those shinies too.

 so, anet... if you wanna shut up all the pve crybabies and give them an option to get the legendaries without doing pvp, be fair and give the pvp community an option to get the skins without doing pve as well. only 16 weapons, does that mean no underwater legendaries? if so, rethink that plz. What? Unless there will be a underwater exp, nobody needs underwater legends there is a 100% underwater fractal, 2 dungeon paths, a lot of underwater open world content, wtf gurl GW2 Gold ?

Forcing PvP and wvw on people? There should be different options to get the stuff you need in pve, PvP, and wvw. so gift of mastery still needs gift of exploration? if so, do I need to 100% explore maguuma for it? what if i dont have the expansion, can i still do the old maps and get the original legendaries? So I'm confused. Do you have to do a collection to Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold get the precursor recipe, and then do a collection to get a legendary recipe then? That article (and the ones before it) are a little confusing in my opinion. I don't mind collecting stuff for crafting, I just hate that I have to initially grind up the regular crafting disciplines. If there were npcs I could take stuff to and them craft it, that would be preferable to me as I have no other reason to level any crafting discipline.

That AXE n' PISTOL tho!!! I wanan see the armor and TRIDENT! (Yes I said it) tongue emoticon. Very nice weapons indeed! Having to do WvW & PvP for them is a bit of a downer though. And I thought they were going to keep the legendaries away from that. Thank you! I Really wanted a Legendary with the Staff's theme! The darkness and blue theme is my favorite! With it being on a wooden staff and with my Daredevil I hope it looks beautiful! I am sure I will find a use of staff DD with this as incentive! Crows Incoming : I really wanna know what they're doing for legendary hammer myself; I love hammers and have two new classes to use it on now, but Juggernaut isn't my style.

