
we pay 1k gems for a GW2 item

Okay first off ANET really disappointed by the amount of gems you are asking for the Logging and mining items 1000 gems is insane! Now the only way I would pay that price would be if I could have the item on across all of my characters. It seems pretty rediculous to spend this much and have to switch it between used chars all the time its not worth it. Second I understand HOT is close approaching but could you not do something new for Halloween, new minis or gear or anything!!! Kinda bummed out its the same thing as last year. Prices in gem store are way to high for some items as well. Transmutation stones for example is like the main item of the game the whole game is based off of customising your characters and yet you cant get them very easy in game and in gem store again price is not worth what you get especially when I mself even would love to change my outfits every few days. "Ridiculous". You're welcome. I fail to see how the prices are too high, except that you don't like them. 800 gems is $10. You can do the math for the logging items. Sure, it'd be nice if we got them across all our characters. Also, I wish my parakeets GW2 Gold could fix me dinner and dispense jellybeans. Arenanet is in this to make money.

Okay the point was I spend basically 12-15 bucks for example the mining axe, now I have 3 main chars I play all the time so now every time I want to use my logging axe I have to log on a char take it put it in my bank log on the other go to bank...what I am getting at is if we pay 1k gems for a item why is it we cannot use it across all of our toons more easily. It really gets rid of the convenience factor and makes it pretty annoying and we shouldnt have to buy multiples of the same item, they did that with dyes and we see how well that turned out in the end. They make pleanty enough money I am sure int he Gem store, hell even the minis are insanely high priced and those arent even collection items and sit there collecting dust. I spend real $ to support the game. It isnt a lot to ask and seems pretty realistic Cheap GW2 Gold . The more people buy the more $ you can make, the prices are right ppl buy more its a proven sales tactic.

Or you could buy non-infinite picks/axes/sickles for free in game! grin emoticon Yay no more complaining. I do that (aren't free)but that doesn't support the game as much as gem purchases. As a gem buyer it seems logical that if you buy a item that's universal it can be used across all characters not just 1. The Infinite use items are account bound, throw them in the bank and use them on an alt... what is so hard about that? And for an infinite use item 1k gems is not that bad, it is a one time purchase!

