
a final gift for players

Hear what Producer Matsui has to say about the May version update in Freshly Picked Vana’diel 18!  Return to Vana'diel Campaign: Site says until June 2. I was able to log in ONCE last week, now says no Content ID buy FFXIV gil .

What gives? i know right. i just tried to log in a few min ago and it sead the same. I see what they did. they put the end date to 5-25 as an after thot and didn't correct it in the blog till later. man i was looking forword to lvling up my geo in the new aria. They said May 25, then they said "Extended til June 2". No indication of cutting it short on May 25 as originally intended.  i thought the same, but thats a different campaign or event. It specifically said "Return to Vana'diel Campaign extended". Not just the "login campaign" cheap FFXIV gil .

But now the site has been edited. It would be cool if they made a final farewell involving your characters best moments in the again as a final gift for players. Just wish they had added a bit more to the storyline for RoV for this update but it is showing a lot of promise for the rest of the story. SE have done all the story lines really well in XI over the years especially the end of WoTG. when the game was an actual challenge...it was fun... Go do some Vagary with a few players .. then tell me it's not a challenge. Go free to play already. Game is done, not worth paying for it. Why would they go free to play, when there's still a lot of people playing? I have only heard the opposite from friends that do play, saying the servers are empty and nobody is around to help etc. Why would it ever be free? They have to pay for the servers to be online. It will never be a free game. Asura can have close to 1k players on. I haven't been on in a few weeks due to work but I plan on getting on over the weekend and I can almost guarantee their will be at least 1,000 players on. I was wanting to return, haven't played in a very long time. I had posted that and was told not to waste my time cause nobody plays.

