
FINAL FANTASY New Gold Saucer mini game

To be fair - if memory serves me right - there was a talk about a FFXV Versus some years ago. So why not make it into an actual game say I?! I mean for the looks of this it's already half done anyway!

Make it a somewhat addon for arr like in the PvP cheap FFXIV Gil . cheap FFXIV gil Th wat would be great.You can't tease me with this........ Make this reality in the Gold saucer or I am not resubscribing lol
Make it like ehrgeiz god bless the ring, but in ff14 quality I'd buy the hell out of it.

Haha! Thancred is always with the girls. Alphinaud and Alisae combo cheap DFO Gold was great too. Reminded me of t12 scene with the books.

 Omg if this was in gold saucer I would have a reason to spend time there. cheap FFXIV gil Also I would be rank 1 in a day
MAKE IT HAPPEN! We had a 3D fighter in the old Gold Saucer... we need a new one, revamped in Manderville's!Right? I watched this earlier, I'd play that, it'd be a badass minigame add on.

