
FFXIV outfit

Me too, I really want to know it. It wasn't announced last time until right before the fest. Like a week or so before. "We are the primals, and we play primal songs." Lol i love soken. Cant wait to see him again. woooohooooo!! this just made the fanfest all the more worth it!   So you will summon all the primals in Las Vegas? Oh dear.

Are they gunna play that Powerman 5000 song? Do we still get the item if we pay for the stream. I'm so happy they are going to be there again! They were a great way to end the fest. FFXIV Gil So much fun. Do we get something if we pay? Do we get something if we pay? o.O is it just me or does she look like Lion from FFXI in that outfit? (only she's in white rather than yellow). Sweet! We're super stoked that Susan Calloway is going to be singing at the fanfest! My husband fangirled!

She looks like Oerba Yun Fang. Is that girl a primal too? Susan Calloway live is a religious experience. you better be reporting live with this! She sings shivas theme? Buy FFXIV Gil Beyond excited for this!!! ^ Buy the live stream to get minions if you couldn't go/ buy ticket. Brian Villalta yea I saw that, but there's no link available now. Thanks though. There are no words. I cannot wait! But for real, where are Susan's armpits?

Been wonderign if I should Re-sub to the game in hopes the last bit of Alexander is worth coming back for. You can't get anything done unless you join a raiding fc, which most people don't like doing. I know of at least 2 large FC's that are about to make the jump off that server also because it's getting worse. 

