
I had fps drops a lot in Blade and Soul

Ray Bigelow if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that. Did you read the part where I play all my other games on ultra? If you want to compare strictly to MMOs, WoW and FF XIV on the max settings run at 60+ FPS with no issues with 30 + players around. This on the lowest settings, I'm lucky to get 15-20 in a 6 man. My GF also plays on her laptop and it runs smoother then my computer. her computer is roughly 30-40 percent slower than mine Blade and Soul Gold . This is the only game i have issues with optimization and if you see the forums, i'm clearly not the only one.

It's not the computer it's optimization. I had an AMD fx 8320 and I would have 20ish fps and field bosses would be 6ish... Got an i7 6700k and now I'm at 30+ for everything and only go to 20ish for faction field bosses. Hardware helps, but my fx ran everything else just fine, except for boob and soul, so I had to buy the i7.  I have a i7 6700k Skylake with a nvidia gtx 980ti , this game run smooth as butter except for heavy population areas, get like 20fps-30fps or when fighting something like terror or bw.

The only lag I see are on load screens where mine take significantly longer than others in my party or what I see on twitch. I've replaced routers, pushed my internet speed above 100mbit and pushed down to single-digit latency, replaced CPU and mobo with much faster gear, replaced all the gigagit wiring and even wired the PC direct to the cable modem. Nothing has made any dent at all on the loading time. It sucks on two entirely different computers, each extremely capable of running any games out now and passing the Oculus Rift test. The B&S gameplay is fine, buy Blade and Soul Gold 60+fps all time. No lag. Just this damn load screen lag. Loading in a party makes me last every single time. It's become a joke.

I had fps drops a lot and read into all the fixes out there and none worked. I removed the bottleneck cpu etc etc . The way I got this game running was to update to Windows 10 but clean remove 7 same time . With a fresh 10 on it my fps has been perfect and even in naryu with the frame drops .all that has gone . Im using my toaster laptop to play this hooked on my 1gbps internet and without any optimization plays 60fps all the way in any areas. This game just uses two cores and direct x 9 that is why high end pcs is not needed to play. tongue emoticon.

