Same to me! but i think i might give u guys from ncsoft a tip on whats going on! I checked my purchase history and my 7 days for premium should have ended. I think this is whats causing the disconnections! After the game starts, i cannot see the characters and cant start the game, the only thing i see is the game's screen Blade and Soul Gold? If you're using razer chroma stuff, you will have to activate the razer chroma sdk program to prevent the "bnscrashreport". Instead of closing it like pre-update.
Maybe it's just me but the cosmetic designs that are in the store are not very good looking. Personally I only find like one costume in the game appealing. For as much great art the game has in it the worst are the character costumes. They really need to hire a better designer, hell a japanese artist that works on anime would do a much better job.
Well they should just release all of the ones that are in the Korean version. Don't really see the point in rolling them out slowly. They want to make money and Buy Blade and Soul Gold they are just cosmetic. Logically, rolling them out slowly will make them more money. Also there are limited time costumes which will make people rush to buy them as they won't be around all the time.
Are there ever better looking pvp faction ones? I actually hate every one that is in the game atm. if you care that much about it you should probably just play a different game maybe barbie dress up simulator. Chris Thomas lol, that's funny since it's pretty much is. What do you think the point of the customs are? They don't have any stats, so seems you should go play a different game. . . . Oh wait pretty much every game has a massive cosmetic element now. Guess you should just stop playing games in general.