
Blade and Soul character costumes

I tryed repairing and rebooting my pc gets to developers name then error report pops up. I solve the Razer Problem but when the maintenance is come another error again </3. Its not 4 hours , and its okay , its still new for bns na , eu . please fix this problem and post the solution on the main site or fb. A lot of people have the problem of crashing/ crash report right after they click login..

Same to me! but i think i might give u guys from ncsoft a tip on whats going on! I checked my purchase history and my 7 days for premium should have ended. I think this is whats causing the disconnections!  After the game starts, i cannot see the characters and cant start the game, the only thing i see is the game's screen Blade and Soul Gold? If you're using razer chroma stuff, you will have to activate the razer chroma sdk program to prevent the "bnscrashreport". Instead of closing it like pre-update.

 Maybe it's just me but the cosmetic designs that are in the store are not very good looking. Personally I only find like one costume in the game appealing. For as much great art the game has in it the worst are the character costumes. They really need to hire a better designer, hell a japanese artist that works on anime would do a much better job.

Well they should just release all of the ones that are in the Korean version. Don't really see the point in rolling them out slowly. They want to make money and Buy Blade and Soul Gold they are just cosmetic. Logically, rolling them out slowly will make them more money. Also there are limited time costumes which will make people rush to buy them as they won't be around all the time.

Are there ever better looking pvp faction ones? I actually hate every one that is in the game atm.  if you care that much about it you should probably just play a different game maybe barbie dress up simulator. Chris Thomas lol, that's funny since it's pretty much is. What do you think the point of the customs are? They don't have any stats, so seems you should go play a different game. . . . Oh wait pretty much every game has a massive cosmetic element now. Guess you should just stop playing games in general.


Blade and soul New servers is good

New servers is good but at least give people the chance of a free server transfer, it's annoying to queve for an hour or more just to play and people rather go else where than wasting that time (means game will start if not already to lose players rather than gaining them) I have an unhealthy urge to buy the 365 membership Buy Blade and Soul Gold , just for that costume e.e But, 110$ for a costume? I cry.

 I think it is a marketing strategy that's why they don't increase the server cap that much so ppl will be force to buy VIP membership. This is just my perspective. I thought that too , but i have seen vip members complaining that they are waiting in the queue haha. Hahaha thats normal because the server reach it cap they will wait for a ppl to log out or get dc to get into the game thats why it takes to long to queue up. should have letting people jump between servers. The way i see it now, a lot of people will just give up because they cant even get on to play Blade and Soul Gold . I have a question about this error e02018 mrt thing, I completed the download and it works on my cousin's pc but when I play in a cafe shop it has this error .

My game crashes while I'm waiting for the queue. I waited 30 minutes and it loaded then crashed.  So I waited in queue for 30 mins, then it allowed me to play, for it to disconnect me again, for me to wait ANOTHER 30 mins. That's not really fair. I'm fine waiting for as long as it takes, but for me to wait AGAIN through no fault of my own really isn't fair, & no, I didn't lose connection. unsure emoticon

I'm currently in japan, got a founder pack and has been playing without issues. Can you help me with a bug?every time i type in my password they tell me it's wrong , but if i copy paste it it works.It's not a major bug,i can w8.I just want to know if i'm the only one.


Blade and Soul is Pay to Play

Can you make it "CLEAR" that Blade and Soul is "Pay to Play" .? Hey man, just an warning up ahead u might not play right the moment you done installing the game. U get queues, and all sorts of crashes. Same. My body is ready for this on the 19th xD.

Any idea why i cant post or comment in forums? thanks. I made a new account and same thing.Buy Blade and Soul Gold . We’re just 2 days from Launch! Get ready with our Launch Guide, and let us know in the comments below what race/class you’ll be playing! If u just add anti afk system in none of this long ass queue would have been happened, I love to move to another server but I'm already at 40 what's the point now.

There is a reason why I paid to be VIP but its already 2016 they should have known this issue for almost any popular games, it took them years to launch this game, and still haven't prepare at all. So far I have paid 145 bucks for the game there won't be no more in the future that's for sure.  I was just in the states for a holiday and people assumed I was from England and quite a few people had no idea even where Australia was! Everyone knew what kangaroos and koalas were though Blade and Soul Gold !

lets be real its not scare, its just prolly a check on servers how popular one is and or can get. also its just a gimmick purposely done to get people to buy 2nd and 3rd tier, its very apparent, why else would they make priorities queues. But hey, the people who paid more money and are Vip levels make sense to get in first they are supporting the game more. Sure that is right but Im asking to myself,with this huge queue And population why the game is not laggy? ^^ i play it already 2 days and i saw 0 lag in game.


Someone should totally gift me a Blade & Soul founders pack

 NA/EU aren't same as their regions, keep that in mind. they need to make money. They need to make money on a F2P game somehow unsure emoticon it's not really something that's needed, anyway. Yes, i understand that they need to make money in order to maintain the game. I just want buying premium membership monthly to be a choice not a necessity. You'll soon realize how important the wardrobe function is once your storage became full because of all the materials you get from drops / gathering mats / crystals / tiles etc BNS Gold .

Gimme that pc you're giving away so i can play.. haven't bothered with a pc in over 10 years but this gane looks amazeballs lol and i wanna play. Got mine already AND got my reserve names! I was so happy! Also got my vacation days for early release! A little sad, the head start is when i work at night lol.. but well i have my 2 characters name reserved rdy for to much fun when i back c: !!

Someone should totally gift me a founders pack so i can play on the 15th. Aren't you guys going to comment about the name reservation that someone of your crew did for money?  Loool, you people find literally anything to complain about, huh? Some people complain about anti-ethical actions from the company you put your money on, some don't Blade & Soul Gold .

 I reaaaalllyyy doubt he did it for money. What made you think he would?  I've played Aion for about 5 years and this kind of thing happens with NCSoft. They really do.  I believe some GMs have commented on the matter, stating they didn't want people to sell the names they reserved. I think I wont use my ture name , too many friends will find me in blade soul game. I was lucky enough to get mine (one that would've been taken instantly if i wasn't as fast as i was) but all of my others were gone so i didn't have a second and sat there trying to get another for a bit. Purchased the disciple pack installed game trying to reserve name and it just goes to a revolving screen with music. Cant activate account I believe till the 15th but was told i should be able to log in to reserve name.Any help wuld be grat..North America server.


is Blade and Soul Windows 10 compatible

Unless you consider xp boosters and a head start buy to win then there's nothing like that lol. HEY GUYS LETS ALL JOIN ---MASTER HONG--- server and fill it up to the max lets make a big community on this server so we can populate it with people. Because Wilson, it's the first server on the list, and the server that most likely the majority of people played on during the beta. I'll be headed 1 server down, and I hope people will follow suit so stuff is balanced.
I played on my previous computer Blade and Soul Gold , and it worked but would I be able to play on my laptop? I wanna make sure so I can try to get the name I really want reserved asap.is it Windows 10 compatible?  Yes it will play fine with those specs. The game works on Windows 10. When it is Janurary 11th, when Name reservation starts, Will we be emailed what our pins are to log in ? cause after I used the newest download for when game launches, I tried getting in game and it required a pin.

Thats what i meant, will we recieve the pin for tomorrow for people who got name reservations. Nope, you have to generate one in the promph screen or accesing your NCsoft account. Found it, but it requires my birthday I registered for my account, How do I find out what it is, cause i entered a random birthday. I've got a problem once i installed the game and i clikc to the desktop icon. It says it doesnt finds the NCLauncher.exe, which i dont have after the install Buy Blade and Soul Gold . I've tried uninstalling and installing again and the problem persists, any idea? Download and install this.

I've tried downloading the new client on to me and my husband's computers and keep getting errors at 44% download. Tried to do file repair and that gave errors also. Any ideas on how to fix it? BNS admin, is their any other way to download the game other than n BNS Lite...such as torrent. Because I am downloading the game since you gave the link (BNS Lite) but it stops and doesn't continue or some error pops up. Thanks in advance.


Sweepstakes is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States of America

Is possible to if one person win but can't claim the prize, convert it into ncsoft coins ? Not like convert the whole price of the alienware into nc coins, but like...20k coins, sound not bad. The best thing to do, is sell the computer, then buy NCsoft coins. That was actually what I planned on doing if I won, lmao. but i'm not on the allowed country to receive the prize, this is why i'm asking if i can have atleast some nc coin (not equal to alienware price ofc, i would be happy with just 4k nc coin) that sound more fair. Except where regulated or restricted by law, the Blade & Soul Launch Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States of America, the District of Columbia, of all provinces and territories in Canada (excluding residents of Quebec Buy Blade and Soul Gold ), and of the United States of Mexico who are the age of majority or older (eighteen (18) years of age in most jurisdictions) as of the date of entry.

Thanks for not allowing Oceania/SEA to participate. Yes I know there is some legal reasons behind it and what not but it still is sad to be ingored again. Are you sure you can't participate in the EU sweepstakes? The top of those terms and conditions clearly states that those rules are only for the US, Mexico, and Canada. The EU version doesn't have conditions outlined for it.

Christopher McLaughlin You might be right but im not sure currently. Omg, with that pc i can make an awsome gameplays from B&S for twitch and youtube channel! Lol ive watched the video a 100 times and it still wont let me continue.  Did you watch it from start to end, without fast forwarding Blade & Soul Gold ? well im from chile, latin america. i have no chance then to win? .-. Are the Founders Packs still available? The link on the website dosn't work. i can get all but the twitch one..its being retarded. is the event open to all country not eu and NA only...

Excuse me, Do we need to pay for playing that game ? No. The game is F2P but you can purchase founder's packs for head start, items, and other perks and to help support the game. Launch for free players is on January 19th. I'm in Cambodia can't log in to play BnS! Will this release with the soul fighter available or are we gonna have to wait.


NA sever located in Dallas

 I am sure several people have asked. But for name reservations, how will that work? Will an email be sent out? is there a specific time that will start? 6pm gmt, you gonna create charcter. Congrats! Maybe we can have some good presents on the headstart? Like free gold? smile emoticon . Congratz, you guys need to let it piss, free costumes... Free to play, but there is in-game purchases for costumes and other stuff. Most of the items in the game are achieved by hardwork. Will we be able to update from the beta or will we have to re-download everything again?

During one of the twitch streams, they said it would be a patch. Things may change. I'm from sea country, should I play NA or EU server? But there is no warlock class i think the CN much better .  Hope the client launchers right and problems with starting the game are fixed Blade and Soul Buy Gold . we have to download the client again or just update via beta client?

Will we be able to install client ahead of servers opening?  Yay! It's almost here! And I still haven't bought my founders pack. Great goal guys! I (we) knew that B&S was gonna be an awesome MMO even for EU! Keep on your hard work and you'll get more and more satisfactions Blade and Soul Gold!

Any asian cbt players here? how's your ping guys? been waiting for this game for a long time. Any new info about the launch? Like which client are we using etc. At lunch we can use beta or we have to do download the game again ? Any update to how release client will be handled? Should be able to patch your beta client. Though this might change. Any update to how release client will be handled?  after betas i did realize this game wasn't worth of hype at all .. kinda sad.  I felt the same..but at least they were super nice on refunds.  NA sever located in Dallas, Texas in North America. EU server located in Frankfurt, Germany. They said during the official stream that it will be released later, after the official launch. warlock belong in lvl50 content.