
Female demon hunter really looks like the main character

Female demon hunter really looks like the main character from the movie series Underworld. They both have same hair style and some dark feel around her. They also fight in the same way if the DH is equipped with two 1 handed cross bows.The demon looks so cool but something about being able to rapid fire crossbows always bugged me. I guess I like a pinch of realism when I go super syian d3 gold to pound the Satan in the face :)

The first and foremost impression of the female demon hunter in dialogs is a cold-hearted badass. Yet as the story progresses, we find that even more governing a characteristic than is her disgust towards demons and cowards, is her empathy and desire to protect those who are too weak to survive on their own.

The appearance of the character is truly polished, and — most important — she can blast her way through hordes of demons in a moment  cheap d3 gold, hardly suffering a scratch.

In my opinion, demon hunter is no doubt the best class — both when considering gameplay, and when viewed in scope of character development.

