
No skills player = buy PES

Just be honest, pes have upped their game this year.  lol stop being fanboys..this time's pes16 demo is good. Pes is more balanced, defending is way better them fifa, graphics are 100 times better then fifa, more realistic but sadly they don't have bpl license or else they would be the top dog! I gave it a shot. It's...different. I think I'm just too used to Fifa. The gameplay is good but the lack of licenses is a deal breaker.  If you have PS4 you will be able to use Option Files, so you'll have all the correct teams/licenses.There's always stuff that I like in PES demoes, but never enough to even compete with fifa! It's so weird and clumsy at times.. Tried the demo FIFA 16 PC Coins, it was different but I might give the game a shot before I judge. All that's good about pro evo is graphics that's it. Graphics were awesome and the animations were realistic but it still sucks. Damn. I played PES 16 demo too and it's terrible. I'm not exaggerating. Any objective person would say the same.

Apart from the refs being wayyy to lenient Buy FIFA 16 coins , this year's PES demo has been great. People who say pes is awful are fan boys that can't admit they have caught up! Pes plays much better and fairer and doesn't rely and sweaty pace players and lob through balls over the top! You don't like it because it's too hard cause your used to FIFA doing everything for you (FIFA fan). I will forward my opinion once I've downloaded the demo, I've heard the graphics are good, I just hope the player movements aren't like previous PES games, but I'm open minded . A lot of people raved about last years and I just picked it up and it was graphically awful, so dated. It played well enough and felt more balanced on the whole but it was far too easy to score from outside the box. Pes is comming! FIFA watch iT !! Both games for me this year ! Pes is awful, boring boring gameplay! Realistic isn't always better. To be honest I am a fifa fan and I tried it wasn't bad just apart from the graphics like that improved the game play I see the same as the pes 15. PES demo is superb.. and the fact u can get option files will make it better than Fifa this year.

Every game of Fifa 15 felt like the same game over and over and over... It's okay but the graphics look like it's on the PS2. Anyone who says PES is better have prob suffered too much from losing in fifa. No skills player = buy PES. what an idiot.... haha... Buy FIFA 15 coins. back to glitchy fifa..... and sone idiot said realistic isn't always better??? jesus.... the amount of kids here though..... fifa is fun that is true....PES wants you to play real football, fifa plays like a highlight reel..... no slow build up play, just end to end attacking..... but whatever people.  Lol realistic isn't always better kids just want to have fun Carlos anyone can win in FIFA just love the ball to turn fast forward everyone plays like that in FIFA I saw an online match finished 9-8 the guys lost cause time ran out just as he was about to love it to his forward for the equalizer.


ffxiv new job gear is coming in this patch

pve has always been easy, pvp is why WoW is king. FFXIV does have nice music and graphics though. You mean the pvp that they cannot balance correctly? Wow is and will always be a primarily pve game, thats where the majority of their money comes from. Same as this game FFXIV gil .  long time FF player, first time true mmorpg player. I'm a tank and just hit lvl 20. I meant to start out as dps which is what I usually do in these games but I'll give tank a shot and play through til I hit cap. Anyone have any suggestions or insight on what I should be focusing on? How to get in a league or clan whatever they're called Oh! When do I get my own chocobo??? TIA.

I remember.. I tried healer for the first time.. while I already finished the Heavensward story.. I always played as a DPS.. cause I dont play the game that much..

so I went with the astrologian Job..
The first dungeon I got Kicked for being a bad healer.. It was just expected of me.. because I finished heavensward cheap FFXIV gil ..
It was expected from me to know how heal..

I did my best and this was the first mmorpg I played so..

People are so cruel.. most people just wanna rush trough all the dungeons.. they even wont let me watch the dungeon cutscenes.. and you eventually get kicked cause u watch them...

''You can watch it in the inn''
Sorry but I don't play this game to rush trough it and be number 1 of the whole server.. I like to enjoy the game while it comes...

No offence to anyone. What about this gear they are talking about? Newer gear? Or is it the item parts still?  for a second there i thot that was the Tardes. >-< Please tell me the new job gear is coming in this patch... it was included in the HW trailer! Af2 and relic are comming out in 3.1 so nope not yet.  I played for a day for the 1st first time. Next day my square enix account was suspended. Not sure what to do nxt . If only you'd fail to be content with the explanation of just "exchanged for gear." I crave details. felipe you make my day on every post i see you on haha. 1 sarcastic mofo. alex the pages can be traded for a piece of gear of your choosing.


Character building

If you're not excited about new poses then fine, it doesn't hurt you though and there are plenty of other players that do like things like this. The team that made these has nothing to do with combat, story, class design, etc. so you haven't lost out on anything you deem 'more important' by receiving these.  I never said it was bad. I just said that I (personally) did not find them exciting. I don't know why everyone has a problem with that. Also James Herd not saying you had a problem with that, it was more directed to the others. Then don't complain. If one teams wants to add more poses and emotes. Yay.

When the other teams add stuff FFXIV gil. Yay. Give them time; I'm sure they are working on it. But sarcastically typing; 'but no! New poses!' Kinda comes off as complaining. So to each there own. I'm happy with anything they update. A mass Esuna would be extremely helpful, especially to baddie WHM.But you keep doing what you're doing, that "omg your opinion is different therefore I must crush it and make my opinion number one!" is really catchy and totally works for you, Wesley Phoenix.  I think there wouldn't be a mass Esuna for whm because Selene has 1 correct? nobody is complaining she just said she would like this or that. Does she? I haven't leveled SCH yet. I think it's fine for whm to have a single target Esuna but I wouldn't mind if they get party wide Esuna. We already have a mass esuna... SCHs got it in the expansion. Sadly I cant play it til its free to play. Why not just make it so you have to pay for the add ons and extra funds etc? "The agency's finding was that 82% of surveyed players did not want the current pricing plan to change in order to incorporate free-to-play, providing the justification required to continue on the same monetary path the game has been treading."

There's tons of reasons, constant updates are one of them. They never go long without adding something. You don't get that in other Pay to Plays. So go play Tera or Aion if you can't pay for it. Just looking forward to see what the elderscrolls  cheap FFXIV gil  online has to offer. I just cant afford to blow that much money per month. And I think if you could mic chat, it would deffinately be more worth it. But with the paid games, its like if you cant play it all the time you just aren't getting your money's worth. Maybe if you payed for the days you actually play it would make more sense.  Miqote females get the ugly one Au Ra females do. Laaaame. Any news on when we get to upgrade our zetas? Digging it. The Au Ra (what my husband will play) sits just like him haha how perfect. The Miqo'te too.


Aion Breezy Summer Outfit and Hat

The Breezy Summer Outfit and Hat currently can only be obtained from the Upgrade Arcade mini-game that ends tomorrow. Also starting tomorrow is the Summer Block Party event! The scheduled maintenance for Wednesday, August 5, 2015 will start at 5:30 AM Central.

Especially if you could do something against that. It's vile, unpleasant, annoying ... Could not manage my private messages that flood of crap. It is more spam per minute. Is there a special channel or an option to only receive messages from friends listed?

All your events are cool, but do not change the real problems of the game.  It is a known issue and concern of the community. We are actively working on improving the means to block spammers as well as banning them. Thank you! Just give me the ban hammer and I'll do it, it's friggen annoying when you have like 5 main characters and have to block on every one of them. Plssss i need to play this game. Really i need this. .s.s.s.   buy Aion gold for good armors and items right now at ssegold as you can get one free from one, refer to Big promotion: Aion kinah US “Buy one get one free”!

Can we expect any cleanup action soon off all the goldspammers, bots and hackers ?? Even if they clean up another ones will come up. To get to the 9lvl on the fast track isn't hard.
Tough for hackers and such they could add the hackguard or whatever it was called that starts up with the game. It would clean up at last half of them.  It isn't hard for a GM to come on and ban the ones that spam the chats rather than letting them do it for hours on end.

You know, like they used to do.

Also, they have to get to level 20 to spam the chats. Can't log in saying you are disconnected from the game server , can anyone help me with that problem please.  "The scheduled maintenance for Wednesday, August 5, 2015 will start at 5:30 AM Central."  its all the time the same 4-5.hours downtime haw long do you play and still dont know this??? I agree with Vincent, this situation with the "bots" is becoming very annoying, and that is hurting many players ! You ruined the game with the update.