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RS3 is released now
The new interface that very confusing and ruin the gaming experience. There is no way to change the interface to the old one, and since it will make some people quit. So I submitted a ticket a few hours ago Runescape accounts for sale... when do people normally reply? Because I can't get into my game and I want to get on a team! BRO,plz make us easier to earn money,like 10m to 20m/h my target its a hween mask.
look...i know im not that high of a level on runescape being only lvl 126 but, it has taken me years to finally get enough money to sell rs accounts get full dragon gear....i had all of that last night, and when this new update comes out i lose EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I go to my bank and everything that had a decent value...even my basic rune armour i had for ftp is now gone!!! ive been a runescape member now for 7 years ive gave you all PLENTY of my money to play this game (via with membership) i changed my password and bank pin but thats not gonna get my stuff back no is it? i need.
nice to see you guys have released rs3, the real question is am i going to get a response about my issue from over a week ago to buy runescape accounts? or is this expected.... lengthy responses? if thats the case i should take my business elsewere. their are a million companys out their that offer mmorpg.
I have been playing for 9 years Runescape 3
Hey can u please help me my user name is threnduil i have just loged in to Runescape 3 and it seams my cash stack is gone i have just lost 18m and am not happy ok please fix and give me my money back plaease sell runescape accounts i enjoy playing it and will continuto.
Who here has lag problems with Runescape 3? Everytime I login, it lags up on me. How I miss the old days where Runescape never lags. whys it say when i try to set the price what i want it to be and it says"you got to finish rs accounts for sale what you are doing" and im not even doing anything?
Ive been playing for 9 years now, and im on the verge of leaving. Runescape used to be my FAVORITE thing to do. Why jagex, why do you throw massive updates like this that change the game COMPLETELY? why cant you just make worlds have the update. its pretty obvious over half the players don't like EOC. but do you guys care? your not showing it. I remember when world 1 was ALWAYS full. now today it had 200 people. That dosent even sound right. why not just leave rs2 as RS2 and put EOC on rs3? I remember when it was possible to pk. now pking is impossible. today I got 1 HITTED I repeat ONE HITTED by a ranger in the wildy. he just simply used some random EOC attack. Jagex, why are you guys pretending to be so oblivious to what we all want? we are the dedicated players. why do you keep changing the game personally for me, runescape was so much fun because I can get together with friends and go hang out in the wildy and pk sell rs accounts. but since EOC ive been doing nothing but skilling. simply because its impossible to play EOC. Runescape used to be simple. now theres so much new stuff I cant even keep up. If we wanted world of warcraft style PVP/PVM, we would go that. all im asking is for there to be some old school style combat worlds. The REAL RS2 worlds we all truly loved. We understand your hard work, but we just miss the game we love.
Complete an occult floor on any complexity
Name: Heart of Ice
Description: Complete a frozen floor on any complexity
Levels required to complete: None
Other content required (if known): N/A
Name: Don't Leave Me! sell runescape accounts
Description: Complete an abandoned floor on any complexity
Levels required to complete: 23 Dungeoneering/59 Dungeoneering
Other content required (if known): N/A
Name: You Got Some Nice Drapes Here
Description: Complete a furnished floor on any complexity
Levels required to complete: 35 Dungeoneering
Other content required (if known): N/A rs accounts for sale
Description: Complete an occult floor on any complexity
Levels required to complete: 71 Dungeoneering
Other content required (if known): N/A
Name: What is going on here?
Description: Complete a warped floor on any complexity
Levels required to complete: 95 Dungeoneering
Other content required (if known): N/A
Runescape is under repair
12-Jul-2013 Macroing Minor (ban) Appealable View
Please do something about the servers! You can have all the interesting content you want, but what good is it if you can't play?? Just wondering what with all the lag and disconnection issues of late is the game area down along with profiles for fixing? as i am not able to sign into game area or view adventure log.
Maybe they should just fix servers so people can sell runescape accounts stay on the game or play without lag. I cannot even get on the game atm. Has been awful the last month, this issue need to be addressed! Soon! I want a refund for this month rs has been horrible spend more time reclogging than playing. Let's just follow Guthix advice and teach the gods to keep their filthy claws off gielenor. DEATH TO THE GODS! >:[) It would be dope if it was a war tortoise but sadly its probly a companion cosmetic. Anybody wanna go bossing or just wanna hang out add "Itzyo" on rs!! Going for my quest cape! 320 need 23 more points till support from the rs community?? And My support goes to Zaros! My by far favorite God.
Yay runescape but im not a fan of hh whole "gods" thing there is only one God for me. Is it gonna carry things? Like a new summoning pet buy runescape accounts for more inventory space? Argh! What is going on with Rs right now???? Huge amount of lag, losing connections, being kicked off and not being able to get back on to the website to even log on! what have you tried to fix that wasn't broken?
Bringing Home the Bacon - funny quest With really good rewards
I think this was a pretty cool concept of a quest and it's been rather nicely executed.
The humour was OK; sometimes I found Mod Wilson was trying to rs accounts for sale be funny, and other times I found myself laughing.
The story was awesome, just one thing: I think there was a lot of potential with the bacon addicts. You could have made that activity harder and harder by making them eat faster or so, or like pour different potions on the bacon for different addicts, like that stuff. Bit of a shame :p
Also, jay for the voicing, at points a bit messy, but overall great.
The length was short, but for a low level quest OK. I am a bit dissapointed you guys just gave us the planks and nails we needed for the machine. We really could have fetched them ourselves. Good thing we needed to sell runescape accounts get the onion and the wheat.
The rewards:
Pretty Awesome. Not too much XP, which is a good thing.
New food, some good music tracks (Although I'm not really into the voiced music since song from the depths, really hated that music track)
I believe we get an all new low level monster (Pigs weren't fighteable before, were they?) which is great.
Just, In my opinion the pet was unneeded, but oh well :p
A bit short, but strong, funny quest, With really good rewards. I like the song at the end, enjoyed the quest!
no major changes are made to runescape
Anyone else remember when you used to sell rs accounts see a kid with a skill cape and say this kids a badass? Remember the adventures traveling all across ***lenor walking when you were just starting the game? Remember the spirit of the game? No more.... We have skill capes from 1-99 in 3 days, we have 5 seconds to get from one end of the world to another, we have a game that has no challenge. I've seen a lvl 132 soloing bandos ffs! Some change is good but you shouldn't be able to achieve what used to take months in 3 days. I'm not aposed to Runescape accounts sell some lodestones but there are just too many. Please reconsider jagex, don't ruin the game that you created.
They should listen if they actually want more people to pay to gain more features and keep RuneScape online. And I could tell you the EoC Survey in the BETA is questionable at best too because of the obvious biases involved in that too. So again, I fail to see your relevant point.It's things like this that are the reason I spend most of my time in Old School anymore. When I first started there, I had to walk everywhere for three weeks straight. But that was part of my achievements, that I worked my way up to tele methods so I didn't have to walk anymore, and I felt satisfied and proud when I got my magic up to rs accounts for sale tele to places like Yanille and Ardougne, and did the quests for them as well. Also, it was nice to finish other quests that allowed me to tele to other places like the gnome stronghold and to use the fairy rings. Honestly, this game IS too easy anymore, and they keep making it easier all the time. You barely have to try to get to a 99 anymore, and the last three capes I got I felt like I hadn't earned at all. Sigh. Oh, well. They'll just continue to make it easier asd easier until no one feels like they're accomplishing anything anymore, and RS will die. But who cares? At least the Mod who runs Old School understands and makes sure that no major changes are made to the game so we can again play the rs that we used to know and love.
and differing opinions just reinforces the idea that the vocal minority is representative of the majority.
BTS thread
Just like I predicted in the BTS thread. You are announcing the release date of RS3. You haven't learned anything from your failure of launching the evolution of crap way too early so history is repeating itself buy runescape accounts.
I would have liked to tried the beta without having to download the awful google chrome web browser, but of course you're going to force everyone who wants to play runescape now to have one browser or nothing at all.explain, world events, does this mean all of the players have a say for an over-all outcome? or, is it the individual choices of the player that impacts individual game worlds?
Like I said in the BTS thread all you are doing is giving the kiddies who bought 6 months and year membership a giant middle finger by delivering nothing but fixes to the evolution of crap and a few minor filler updates with runescape accounts sell a rushed quest. The only intelligent decision you have made since you released the evolution of crap is open up 07. Hopefully if you are ever desperate enough to offer 6 months and year membership again people will be smart enough to not get it based on your track record. You've so far scammed players who were dumb enough to buy 3 and 6 month membership. Will you continue to scam players who bought a year membership then when their membership runs out run the promo again? Or will you get off your asses and make decent content again like BEFORE the Squeel of Misfortune and Solomon's Garbage Store came out?
The value of the crafting and magic skills are lessened
Don't worry, I also have noticed that. However you will need to finish some tasks before you can use so it should be okay. For example. The lodestone will not directly point to the destination. They will do well.
The last time Jagex added loadstones, a lot of the game became redundant. Whereas before we got teleports as rewards for playing the game, loadstones made those rewards worthless.
It's not a good thing to make rewards worthless Runescape accounts selling.
These new ones will make more of them worthless.
For example, what good are the house teleports now that they've all been superseded by loadstones? They're no good. Player owned houses are worthless now.
We used to use teletabs made at player owned houses. They're worthless now.
We used to use magic to go teleport. With loadstones, runescape accounts for sale those spells are redundant. The value of leveling up magic is lessened.
Crafting games necklaces and dueling rings sell rs accounts. Same thing. The value of the crafting and magic skills are lessened.
Some fairy rings are redundant. The value of completing the quests is lessened.
The slayer ring for teleporting is worth less now. The value of the slayer skill is lessened.
This constant nerfing of the game destroys the value of the game. Skills, quests, and the player owned house lose their worth.
And that lost value diminishes value of the game to its players. The work we put in to build our skills, do quests, and build our PoHs is diminished, and the value of those things to players yet to do them will be less.
Rewards should not come for free. They should come from playing the game.
I still had a good 60+ hours with Diablo III
why do we need to see info for all the players?
I still had a good 60+ hours with the game, so I'm not upset. And being angry about how the game could and should have been is pointless. It is what it is, go play something else!Jason Bender, apt name for a Diablo III account dev, still waiting for offline mode @ PC, if it can be done for console it can be done for PC.Honestly looks very poorly done. Why would you do this? You could be investing resources into improving the fan base you already have but instead decide to expand on consoles (which hasn't done very well for you before). All I see this as is the team on Diablo 3 saying hey, let's milk this for all we got and ignore our fans, it's not like they mean anything to us. Screw you Activision. We don't give a crap about console, make a different page for that. Seriously, learn to respect your fans Diablo 3 accounts.
Holy. Moly. The haterade. I played a whole 15 minutes today. But it was just a grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Do want. Something. New. this makes the pc version look superior in every way buy d3 gold ,dont waste your money you dirty console peasants xD. as a playstation gamer,i understand its another source of good income...but i would much rather blizzard make a new complete game with sony so they could make a sick multiplatform game. all console user should thank PC users to beta test this game for a year, ofcoz we had to pay for this still unfinished product... Blizzard stopped making games long ago, not it is in money making business which is sad.
diablo 3 is great gameplay
That’s what make it worth playing.
Wait for the loot 2.0 if you’re only interested in that.
Try some odd builds, experiment a little.
I like that a lot, trying out different builds.
Go down in mp if you can’t play the build at high levels.
Try self-found hc mp10.
I’ve been thinking about doing that, but I got too much d3 gold fun with building an interesting sc monk.
Or just play hc as it is, that’s very different from buy d3 items sc.
But honestly, if you don’t like bashing thousands of monsters, you need something else to do.
16/06/2013 23:31Posted by anbuAll I want to know is how you guys have survived the hell hole that Blizzard turned D3 into.
Well by not considering the game as a hell hole helps. If it really that horrible for you, you should find some traumatized child soldier kid in a war torn third world country and ask him to switch places. “hey kiddoh, you think being in your shoes is bad? Here’s a ticket to buy diablo 3 gold europe and the keys to my apartment. Login code for diablo is … that will teach you".
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